Vytautas mockaitis

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Vytautas Mockaitis (born November 18, 1958 in Saulažoliai , Klaipėda district ; † February 24, 2011 in Telšiai ) was a Lithuanian sculptor, medallist and jeweler , professor .


In 1984 he graduated from the Telšiai Technical Center for Applied Arts and in 1990 he studied at the Tallinn University of Art in Estonia . From 1992 to 1998 he taught at the Telšiai Higher School of Applied Arts, from 1994 to 1996 was head of the metal department , from 1998 taught at the art faculty of the Vilnius Art Academy , from 2004 head of the metal department, from 2003 lecturer ( docentas ) . From 1996 to 1997 he continued his education in Kautokeino Norway .

He creates from metal plastic. Since 2000 he has been a member of the International Art Medal Federation ( FIDEM ). From 1990 he had exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad. His works have the Lithuanian Art Museum , Žemaičių muziejus Alka in Telšiai, the Lower Lithuanian Art Museum in Plungė . He issued some methodological resources.


  • " Memento mori su vynu Caberne", 2001
  • "Tualetinis stalelis su naktiniu drugiu", 2002
  • Mother and son // “Motina ir sūnus”, 2002
  • “Skraidantis objektas su varle”, 2002
  • "Rėtis", 2005
  • "Gelmė", 2005
  • Fountain // "Šulinys", 2005
  • St. Darius, St., Girėnas . Atlanto nugalėtojai ”, 2003
  • “Kino meno pradininkai. Ogiustas ir Louisas Liumjerai ", 2004
  • “Baltosios lazdelės diena. Spalio 15 ", 2004
  • “Pasaulinė Žemės diena. Kovo 23 ", 2005
  • “Žudynės Rainiuose. 1941 m. birželio 24-25 ", 2005
  • "Mėnulyje pateka Žemė", 2007
  • "Marionetė", 2007
  • "Autoportretas", 2008
  • "Vl. Montvydas – Žemaitis. Žemaičių apygardos vadas “, 2008
  • "Lietuva iš paukščio skrydžio", 2008.


  • Gintaras taikomojoje dailėje. Projektavimas, morfologija, technologija, 2002 m.
  • Emalio technika taikomojoje dailėje, 2002 m.
