Desert Bilov

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Wüstenbilow is a village in the district of Vorpommern-Rügen belonging to the municipality of Süderholz .

Desert Bilov between 1880 and 1920


The village with eleven inhabitants is located south of the city of Grimmen on the country road from Glewitz to Greifswald . In the neighboring town of Poggendorf this road is crossed by the federal highway 194 (Demmin-Stralsund).

The village area extends to about four square kilometers and consists mainly of agricultural land. Wüstenbilow's highest elevation is the Butterberg , which lies in the three-village corner of Rakow-Grischow-Wüstenbilow, at 28.4 meters. There are 25 wind turbines on the mountain .


Bilow, first mentioned in a document in 1320, probably gave its name to the noble family of Bilow, who lived there and in neighboring villages . They appear in the vassal list of the Rügen Prince Wizlaw III. under the name "Bylowe" from 1320 to 1325. In 1343 the place had 25 hooves , all of which belonged to the vassals of the sovereign, ie the Pomeranian duke . In 1523 Henning von Bilow was mentioned on Bilow, who sold his share in the village to the Pomeranian Duke in 1551. For a share of seven hooves, the Loitz mayor and later captain of the ducal office of Loitz , Henning Kaskow, received an enfeoffment from the Pomeranian dukes in 1514. This share fell back to the dukes after his death, probably shortly after 1540. Together with Bilow's share, from 1551 the whole village belonged to the ducal-Pomeranian office of Loitz and, according to a tax register from 1581, eight farmers and four kossats lived there . In the Thirty Years' War Wüstenbilow was completely destroyed and then lay desolate - hence the name of the village (in the immediate vicinity you can find similar place names such as Wüst Eldena or Wüsteney ).

This is clearly shown in the Swedish matriculation cards from 1697 , there are no buildings, only related field names, e.g. B. "the desert Bilow".

Only in the Prussian original table sheet from 1835 does a small Vorwerk for Gut Poggendorf appear, which is now called "Wüstenbilow".

In 1871 Wüstenbilow had 6 houses with 11 households and 59 inhabitants, in 1867 there were 71. All were members of the Protestant denomination.

In the measuring table sheet (MTB) from 1880 it became clear that the Vorwerk had disappeared and instead had 6 farming settlements. These are lined up exactly on a line of 2.2 km. This was the result of the state requirements that goods, in this case the Poggendorf domain, had to cede land in order to be able to set up farms. In the MTB from 1920 it can be seen that by then the number of settlements had been reduced to 4, but 7 new farms had been built on the road to Poggendorf. However, these were only very small and probably geared towards the sideline. According to the 1925 population statistics, Wüstenbilow only had 41 inhabitants.

This local structure of courtyards lined up in a T-shape did not change after 1945 or during the GDR era. After 1960 the farmers were all in the local LPG, but no agricultural facilities were built in this area.

Since January 1st, 1999 it belongs to the community of Süderholz . Today Desert Bilov is known as a village of artists.


  • Fritz Curschmann : The Bederegister des Landes Loitz from 1343. In: Pomeranian year books . Vol. 34 (1940), pp. 14f.
  • Dirk Schleinert : The estate economy in the Duchy of Pommern-Wolgast in the 16th and early 17th centuries. Cologne-Weimar-Wien 2001, pp. 43, 82, 87, 91, 129, 131, 201, 203.
  • Eginhard Wegner : The country of Loitz between 1200 and 1700. A historical-geographical investigation of Western Pomerania. , ed. v. Dirk Schleinert, Kiel 2009, pp. 47, 64, 132, 136, 144, 182, 184.

Individual evidence

  1. Pommersches Urkundenbuch (PUB), Volume 5, Part 2, No. 3441, p. 564.
  2. Royal. Statistical Bureau, “Municipalities and manor districts and their population”, III. Province of Pomerania, census of December 1, 1871, Berlin 1874

Coordinates: 54 ° 3 '  N , 13 ° 6'  E