Walter Altschul

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Walter Altschul (born August 6, 1883 in Prague , † December 23, 1942 in Litzmannstadt ) was a Czechoslovak radiologist and opera singer.


He was the son of the doctor Theodor Altschul and his wife Ottilie nee Lingg. After attending high school in Prague, he studied at the University of Heidelberg and at the German University in Prague medicine and graduated as Dr. med. He then became an assistant at the German surgical clinic in Prague. From 1919 he ran a private practice as a doctor in Prague. In 1922 he completed his habilitation. Until 1938 Walter Altschul worked as a lecturer in radiology at the German University in Prague.

He was a member of the Association of German Radiologists in Czechoslovakia and was known for numerous publications in specialist journals on surgical and radiological subjects.

After the formation of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia under German rule and Altschul's dismissal from university, he worked for a short time as an opera singer in Prague. In 1941 he was deported as a doctor to the Jewish ghetto in Litzmannstadt , which was located at 34 Wrześnieńska Street and then at 17 Zgierska Street, and primarily as a stopover before deportation to the Kulmhof extermination camp ( Chełmno nad Nerem ), Auschwitz II , Majdanek , Treblinka and Sobibor served. In this ghetto he ran a doctor's office for the inmates. He died in the ghetto shortly before Christmas 1942. It was noted on the cemetery documents that he was a Catholic. His relatives did not find out about his death and had Walter Altschul pronounced dead on February 12, 1948.


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Individual evidence

  1. A. Kempa, M. Szukalak: Żydzi dawnej Łodzi. Słownik biograficzny Żydów łódzkich iz Łodzią związanych , Vol. 4, AZ, Łódź 2004
  2. Handbook of Austrian Authors of Jewish Origin , 2011, p. 29.