Walter Daehn

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Walter Daehn (* 26. December 1929 in the United Grimma ) was from 1972 to 1990 Mayor of Freital in the district of Dresden ( GDR ).


Daehn grew up in Großgrimma. In 1959 he became mayor of Wurgwitz , but was replaced by Karl-Heinz Hofmann in 1968. Since 1972 he was mayor of the city of Freital, in his term of office, which lasted until the political change in the GDR, the integration of his old place of work Wurgwitz fell into Freital at the beginning of 1974. With an 18-year term of office, Daehn was the longest serving mayor of the City.

In the constituent city council meeting on June 6, 1990, the CDU politician Dietmar Lumpe was chosen to be the first freely elected mayor of Freitals after the fall of the Berlin Wall and thus Daehn's successor. He continued to live in Wurgwitz with his wife.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Matthias Weigel: Former Mayor Walter Daehn celebrated his 80th birthday . In: Saxon newspaper . December 29, 2009.
  2. ^ Peter Kretzschmar: Wurgwitz 1206 - 2006: History and Stories . Ed .: Kultur- und Sportbund Wurgwitz. Wurgwitz 2006.