Bernhard Johannes Klare

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Bernhard Johannes Klare (born May 13, 1904 in Chemnitz ; † unknown) was a German lawyer and politician ( NSDAP ) and from 1939 to 1945 Lord Mayor of Freital in Saxony.


Johannes Klare grew up in his native city of Chemnitz and attended a secondary school from 1914 to 1923 . He then began an apprenticeship at Deutsche Bank and completed a law degree at Leipzig University from 1926 to 1923 . There he did his doctorate with the topic "The criminal biological expert opinion in criminal proceedings" for Dr. jur. and then worked at several local courts in eastern and central Saxony.

After Johannes Klare joined the NSDAP in May 1932, he later headed the NSDAP local group in Radeberg until 1939 . He then succeeded Erhardt Schroeter as Lord Mayor of Freital and held this position until 1945.

In May 1939, Klare had joined the SS and held the rank of Obersturmführer . After serving in the Wehrmacht during World War II , he was employed by the SS in Berlin towards the end of the war. He has been missing there since 1945.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Mayor since 1921. City of Freital, accessed on August 25, 2018 .