Walter Kittel (State Secretary)

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Walter Kittel (born May 25, 1931 in Aussig , Czechoslovakia , † June 18, 2008 in Jena ) was a German State Secretary .


After studying economics at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg and obtaining his doctorate , Kittel worked for a short time in the private sector until he joined the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology as a consultant in 1959 .

From 1976 to 1987 he was the representative of the head of the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Communities in Brussels . In 1987 he became a permanent state secretary in the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forests and was responsible for the areas of market and international agricultural policy. After his retirement, Kittel worked from 1993 to 1998 as the German government's representative for advisory services in Eastern Europe . From this motivation he got involved in the Ackermann community . In addition, Kittel has made a particular contribution to the integration of the agricultural economy of the new federal states into the European Union .

Kittel received numerous honors and awards from home and abroad.


  • GH: Walter Kittel died . In: FAZ , June 27, 2008
  • Death notice by Federal Minister Horst Seehofer . In: FAZ , June 29, 2008, p. 42.

Individual evidence

  1. The Chancellor helps . In: Der Spiegel . No. 27 , 1993, pp. 16 ( online - 5 July 1993 ).
  2. ^ "Supporters" Ackermann community