Walter Müller from Kulm

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Walter Müller von Kulm (born August 31, 1899 in Basel ; † October 3, 1967 in Arlesheim ) was a Swiss composer, conductor and music teacher .

Müller von Kulm grew up in Basel and, after training as a primary school teacher, worked for a few years in Othmarsingen before he decided to study at the Conservatory in Basel in 1927 and studied with Volkmar Andreae , Rudolf Moser , Gustav Güldenstein and Felix Weingartner . Subsequently, Müller von Kulm created several successful compositions for the Basel Chamber Orchestra . From 1939 to 1954 he directed the Basel Bach Choir . From 1947 to 1964 he was director of the music academy of the city of Basel .

Müller von Kulm was also involved in various music education associations (e.g. the Swiss Music Education Association (SMPV) , the Northwest Swiss Association of Choral Conductors (NWCHV)).


  • Chamber Concerto for Violin and String Orchestra (1930)
  • The Inventor (Opera, 1944)
  • Our Father (oratorio, 1945)
  • Set of songs "Lord of the Hours, Lord of the Days" based on a text by Hermann Hiltbrunner from 1945 (premiered May 31, 1959 in Zurich)


  • Outline of the theory of harmony . Basel, Amerbach 1948.


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