Walter Wellinghausen

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Walter Wellinghausen 1989

Walter Wellinghausen (born May 23, 1944 in Bruchsal ) is a German lawyer and former Hamburg SPD politician. As a State Councilor , he served in the interior authority led by the 2nd Mayor Ronald Schill ( PRO ) .

Working in the SPD

Wellinghausen's political home was the SPD district of Hamburg-Nord . In addition to various party offices, he had been a member of the district assembly- North as parliamentary group leader of the SPD since 1978 . There he announced his resignation in 1990 as a protest against the proposal of the SPD leadership to fill the office of district office manager with Helgrit Fischer-Menzel (who later became the Senator for Social Affairs) .

Act as a lawyer

Wellinghausen's name got in the headlines and criticized from colleagues because he represented clients such as Burim Osmani and the Hells Angels as a lawyer. In the Hamburg police scandal , Wellinghausen was commissioned by the police union to represent police officers who, after the Hamburg police scandal became known, for example. B. was accused of bodily harm in office , coercion and / or deprivation of liberty . On behalf of the Catholic Church, he obtained funding for the social services of Catholic women for their advice under the Pregnancy Conflict Act. He defended the then magistrate Ronald Schill ( christened judge Merciless by the tabloids ), who was charged with perversion of the law and deprivation of liberty before the large criminal chamber 3 of the Hamburg district court.

State Council in the Interior Authority

In the course of a coalition between the Hamburg CDU and the Rule of Law Offensive party, Ronald Schill rose to become the second mayor and interior senator of the Hanseatic city. He brought Walter Wellinghausen into the Interior Authority as a State Councilor. Wellinghausen was considered to be Schill's confidante and right-hand man. In order to prevent the First Mayor from dismissing Ole von Beust Wellinghausen for unlawful secondary business in August 2003 , Schill is said to have tried to blackmail the mayor with details of his private life . Ole von Beust dismissed Schill and Wellinghausen from their offices. As a result, the coalition broke up. In the early elections in February 2004 , the Schill party only received 0.4 percent of the votes cast (after 19.4% in the previous election).

After discharge

Wellinghausen was initially refused admission to the bar in Hamburg. The media reported his renewed legal activity, among other things, in connection with his advocacy of a right to stay for Roma who had sought sanctuary in Hamburg. According to its own information, Wellinghausen no longer aspires to political office.



Web links


  1. dpa in t-online from 23.9.2015
  2. Ira von Mellenthin in: Die Welt : The lawyer who teaches the authorities to fear , last paragraph