Ronald Schill

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Ronald Barnabas Schill (born November 23, 1958 in Hamburg ) is a German lawyer and former politician . He became known nationwide as the “Judge Merciless” for harsh judgments. With him as chairman and top candidate, the newly founded Rule of Law Offensive party became the third strongest force in the Hamburg state elections in 2001 . From 2001 to 2003 Schill was the city's second mayor and senator for the interior . From 2014 he appeared as an actor in various reality TV programs.

education and profession

After graduating from high school at Weidenstieg (grade point average 1.7), Schill studied psychology at the University of Hamburg for three semesters . He then completed a law degree in Hamburg, which he graduated with the first state examination in 1988 and the second state examination in 1992 . He practiced as a lawyer from 1992 to 1993 . In 1993 he became a judge at the Hamburg District Court , where he worked until 2001. In his first year he was responsible for civil law. Until December 31, 1999, Schill worked in a department for criminal matters , after which he was assigned a department in civil justice.

Public perception as a judge

Because of some high sentences, Schill was nicknamed "Richter Gnadenlos" by the Hamburg tabloid press . At this time he appeared frequently in the press and on television, where he generally called for a harsher punishment, especially for repeat offenders , and denounced a "cartel of youth judges who were unwilling to commit criminal offenses in Hamburg".

Acquittal of the charge of perversion of justice

A criminal case against Schill for perversion of the law caused a stir between 1999 and 2001 . He was charged as a criminal judge a complaint from persons he in administrative detention have not forwarded had taken two days. He reportedly intends to realize the legal protection of detainees to undermine and to achieve that they had already served the three-day administrative detention before the competent Court of Appeal ruled on the legality of the arrest. With the judgment of the Hamburg Regional Court of October 13, 2000, Schill was sentenced to a fine of 120 daily rates of 100 DM each. The Federal Court of Justice overturned this conviction in a judgment of September 4, 2001, as the Regional Court had not adequately demonstrated that the hesitant forwarding of the complaint, which was made within an objectively justifiable period of time, was due to irrelevant considerations. After re-trial, the district court Hamburg Schill said in December 2001 judgment of the charge of violation of the law free - at that time Schill had been deputy mayor and interior minister of Hamburg.

Political career

In 2000, Schill founded the Rule of Law Offensive party , which the press often referred to simply as the Schill Party . He drew attention during the election campaign through the following positions, among others:

  • In his opinion, sex offenders who cannot be treated should only be released on condition that they have previously undergone (voluntary) castration .
  • Parents who permanently violate their duty to bring up their children and whose children have committed serious criminal offenses should face criminal penalties themselves.
  • He announced that violent crime would be halved within 100 days if he were given a free hand in a coalition. To this end, 2000 new police officers should be hired.

Schill had received support from the Bild newspaper ; she had given him a lot of space in her reporting even before the party was founded. On September 23, 2001, the Rule of Law Offensive party received 19.4% of the vote in the Hamburg state election . On October 31 of the same year Schill was appointed second mayor and interior senator of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg in a coalition government of his party with CDU and FDP under the first mayor Ole von Beust .

Politics as an interior senator

Schill was the first federal state to introduce blue uniforms in Hamburg. Here is a police chief in the new blue uniform. The uniform was designed by the well-known designer Luigi Colani .
Schill introduced Harley-Davidson motorcycles to the Hamburg police.

Schill campaigned for the introduction of blue police uniforms as early as the 2001 election campaign. The policemen were dressed in new uniforms designed by Luigi Colani between October 2003 and August 2005. The changeover was financed by corporate sponsorship and private donations . Incidentally, Schill began to get gray-blue police cars.

The American manufacturer Harley-Davidson has purchased new company motorcycles of the “Harley-Davidson FLHTPI Electra Glide Police” type. Harley-Davidson expected a lot from this entry into the German market and left 20 motorcycles free for a one-year test.

In 2001, Schill appointed Hartmut Dudde to head the riot police and at the beginning of 2002 appointed the Bavarian detective director Udo Nagel as the Hamburg police chief . Furthermore, Schill hired 250 new employees in the police service in the course of the year to relieve the police of administrative tasks, and took on 14 already fully trained police officers from Berlin. In 2003, 325 police officers from Berlin and 29 from other federal states were transferred to the Hamburg police force. By mid-2004, 500 new civil servants should have been hired. In addition, 229 young people were hired in 2003.

A decisive criterion by which Schill's work was measured was the official crime statistics . Accordingly, the number of recorded crimes decreased by 15.5 percent in 2002 and rose by 0.8 percent in 2003. Schill chalked up the extraordinarily sharp drop in the crime rate during his tenure as a success of his policy, which was, however, doubted by opposition politicians.

After the forced evacuation of the Bambule site, ordered by Schill , there were so-called Bambule protests in the city that lasted for months , which Schill wanted to counter with "rule of law" and " repression ". A slogan at the demonstrations was “Schill must go”. This demand also became the subject of a song often heard at the "Anti-Schill-Demos" dance ban - Schill to hell by the German hip-hop band Fettes Brot in collaboration with Bela B. from the band Die Ärzte .

Political scandal

Throughout his political career, Schill remained the focus of media attention. The fight against crime played a major role in public perception - the local press described Hamburg as the “capital of crime”.

Schill caused a nationwide sensation when he spoke to the German Bundestag on August 29, 2002 . In the course of a debate about the financing of flood disaster relief in East Germany, Schill took up the alleged political causes that led to the need to postpone an economic stimulus program with tax breaks. Above all, Schill's criticism of the immigration policy that has been practiced for many years caused outrage, according to which in German politics, compared to other countries, too few reserves are built up for disasters, while a lot is paid for immigrants. The scandal continued when Bundestag Vice- President Anke Fuchs switched off the microphone after exceeding the 15-minute speaking time customary for members of the Bundestag and unsuccessfully calling for a conclusion. When asked to say a final word, the microphone was switched on again; When Schill complained about what he believed to be an unconstitutional procedure and invoked the Basic Law and the right to be heard at all times according to the Bundestag's rules of procedure, the microphone was finally switched off and he was denied the floor. The Presidium was of the opinion that Schill still did not speak to the point and that an end to his speech was not in sight. Schill saw this as a violation of Article 43, Paragraph 2, Sentence 2 of the Basic Law, which, in his opinion and that of some observers, granted Federal Council members unlimited speaking time. He accused Fuchs of breaching the constitution, but did not file an announced lawsuit before the Federal Constitutional Court . The speech led to a coalition crisis in Hamburg. Ole von Beust disapproved of Schill's behavior and pointed out that he had to speak in the Bundestag not as a party representative, but as a representative of the Hamburg Senate .

Cocaine use

In February 2002 the television magazine Panorama reported , citing a witness, that the Hamburg Senator for the Interior had used cocaine . Schill called the magazine a “pig magazine” that “worked with informers ”. He obtained an injunction before the press chamber of the Hamburg Regional Court. She forbade the NDR to claim under threat of custody and fines that he had consumed this intoxicant. As is generally the case in interim legal protection proceedings, the decision was based on an affidavit from Schill. Springer-Verlag newspapers defended him and criticized the Panorama allegations. Schill voluntarily had a strand of hair analyzed in connection with the cocaine allegations ; no traces of cocaine were found. The investigative proceedings initiated by the Hamburg public prosecutor's office for possession of narcotic drugs were then discontinued. According to Schill, the hair test was initially positive, but a procedure was used in which cocaine can be detected down to a ten-millionth of a gram. A new test, which was to determine a higher dose, turned out negative. According to information from the Süddeutsche Zeitung , Hamburg state politicians had known Schill's alleged cocaine use earlier. On March 7, 2008, the Bild newspaper was offered a video with the former politician that had been recorded without his knowledge. Bild only bought part of the video that was later shown on the Internet and shows Schill apparently and after his audible testimony while sniffing cocaine.

Exclusion from the Hamburg Senate

In the summer of 2003, the State Councilor of the Interior Authority and Schill confidante Walter Wellinghausen hit the headlines because, in addition to his office, he was also a lawyer and supervisory board member of a clinic. When von Beust wanted to release Wellinghausen without consulting Schill, there was a personal argument with Schill on August 19, 2003. Subsequently, von Beust dismissed the Senator for the Interior with the accusation that he had threatened to publish that he had made his alleged partner Roger Kusch the Senator of Justice and thus mixed private with political. Because of this threat, he classified Schill as "unsuitable in character" to continue his office. The Hamburg public prosecutor initiated an investigation against Schill for attempted coercion . However, the proceedings had to be passed on to the Federal Public Prosecutor General , since von Beust acted as First Mayor in the function of a constitutional body (see § 105 StGB - only indirectly § 240 StGB). The proceedings were closed in August 2003 after a legal review. When the investigative activities started, the Hamburg public prosecutor's office overlooked the current case law of the BGH, which should have applied in this case. The Federal Prosecutor's office stated in its press statement that, according to the case law of the Federal Court of Justice , it could be expected that government members withstand such attacks and react to them with political means (see also " Chantage " = originally blackmailing with compromising internal information). The threat lacks the “special weight” and “the specific coercive effect that is dangerous to the state”.

After that, the Rule of Law Offensive party fell a few percentage points behind in polls, but was still above the five percent threshold . Representatives of various associations welcomed Schill's dismissal. Schill withdrew to the exercise of his citizenship mandate.

Exclusion and decline of the rule of law offensive party

At the end of November 2003, Schill was re-elected as Hamburg state chairman of the rule of law offensive party. In interviews with the Hamburg local broadcaster Hamburg 1 , Schill apologized to von Beust for discord and offered him cooperation on a political level. He also offered interior senator Dirk Nockemann his help in carrying out his senatorial activities. This was taken by government politicians as a criticism of Nockemann's competence, whereupon von Beust called on the leadership of the Rule of Law Party to stop Schill's appearances. On December 6, 2003, the federal executive of the Rule of Law Offensive Party demanded that Ronald Schill sign a declaration that in future he would only be allowed to express himself publicly after prior consultation. When Schill refused, the federal executive deprived him of the office of Hamburg state chairman and banned him for two years from holding any other offices in the party. Schill saw this process as illegal and demonstratively took the chair in the subsequent meeting of the Hamburg state executive.

On December 16, 2003, the federal executive committee of the Rule of Law Party decided to expel Schill at an extraordinary meeting in Berlin . The majority of the state associations stood behind Schill and began to convene an extraordinary party congress to remove the federal executive committee and revoke its decisions. On December 18, 2003, Schill and five former members of his former party founded their own parliamentary group in the Hamburg parliament. Schill's former partner Katrin Freund was elected chairman of the new Ronald Schill parliamentary group .

After it became clear that the Hamburg coalition without Schill and his supporters in the Schill parliamentary group no longer had a majority of its own, von Beust declared the coalition of CDU, FDP and the Schill party to be over on December 9, 2003. The fixed date for the new elections on February 29, 2004 excluded the rule of law offensive party from taking part in this election with Schill, as the clarifying party congress could only be called after the lists had been submitted to the election officer in compliance with the given deadlines .

At the beginning of January 2004, Schill met with the chairman of the Pro DM party , Bolko Hoffmann , and joined his group colleagues in the Pro DM, which ran for election under the designation "Pro DM / Schill".

As recently as January 2004, the Pro DM / Schill party managed to ensure that only it was allowed to call itself the “Schill party”. The Rule of Law Party wanted to keep this name for reasons of election tactics. In the new elections on February 29, 2004 , the Pro DM received 3.1% of the votes, while his former party only achieved a result of 0.4%. Only in the Harburg district was the Pro DM able to pass the 5% hurdle and was represented there by two members in the district assembly from 2004 to 2008. After the defeat, Schill announced that he would withdraw from political life and emigrate from Germany. On October 16, 2004, he finally traveled to the Caribbean. Nevertheless, he remained chairman of the Hamburg regional association of the Pro DM party, which dissolved at the end of 2007.

Departure to South America

Schill was suspected of being in Brazil after leaving Germany . At the end of May 2006, Schill was supposed to testify before the parliamentary committee of inquiry of the Hamburg citizenship . However, this did not succeed in determining an address for service. In mid-August, the Hamburger Abendblatt reported that Schill had been photographed by a reader in a restaurant in Rio de Janeiro . At the end of September 2006 a camera team managed to conduct a short interview with Schill in Rio, which was broadcast in the Hamburg Journal of the NDR . Schill said that he had consequently withdrawn from Germany because he could not change the situation there, and that he could perhaps envision activities in Brazilian politics in the future. At the beginning of December 2006, Schill was advertised for a search by the Hamburg State Criminal Police Office to determine his whereabouts . In September 2007 the Hamburger Morgenpost reported that Schill was living in Rio de Janeiro on his judges' pension. In 2007 the citizens of Hamburg threatened to cut his retirement pension as an ex-senator if he did not testify before a parliamentary committee of inquiry. Thereupon Schill came to Hamburg on October 17, 2007 and made his statement. Schill lives in a house in the Pavão-Pavãozinho favela .

In a newspaper interview in 2019, Schill said that he could live well with a pension of almost 2,000 euros in Brazil and that he did not intend to come back to Germany permanently.

Television actor

Ronald Schill was a participant in the second season of Celebrity Big Brother - The Experiment , which was broadcast on Sat.1 from August 15 to 29, 2014 . There he took third place. On February 10, 2015, a program of the VOX series Goodbye Germany was broadcast on Ronald Schill, during which Janina Youssefian visited him in Rio de Janeiro . In 2016 he took part in the celebrity edition of the RTL program Adam sucht Eva . In 2020 he was seen among celebrities under palm trees .

Television appearances


Schill's parents divorced when he was eleven years old. According to him, the separation was traumatizing for him. He then grew up with his mother in Hamburg. He has a younger brother who works as a teacher in Hanover. Schill's grandfather Kurt Schill was a member of the KPD , active in the resistance against National Socialism and was murdered in 1944 in Neuengamme concentration camp in Hamburg.



  • Birgit Baumann: Ronald Schill - a merciless agitator . In: Michael Jungwirth (ed.): Haider, Le Pen & Co . Europe's right-wing populists. Verlag Styria, Graz et al. 2002, ISBN 3-222-12999-1 , p. 62-73 .
  • Marco Carini , Andreas Speit: Ronald Schill. The judge . Konkret-Literatur-Verlag, Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-89458-214-6 .
  • Florian Hartleb : Right and left populism . A case study based on the Schill Party and PDS. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 3-531-14281-X (also: Chemnitz, Univ., Diss., 2004).
  • Florian Hartleb: rise and fall of the Hamburg Schill party . In: Hans Zehetmair (Hrsg.): The German party system . Perspectives for the 21st Century. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2004, p. 213-227 .
  • Florian Hartleb: Party of Rule of Law Offensive (Schill Party) . In: Frank Decker , Viola Neu (Ed.): Handbook of German political parties . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2007, ISBN 978-3-531-15189-2 , p. 371-381 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Dinner Party - The Late Night Talk: Jurist Ronald Schill visits Simon Beeck on YouTube , September 18, 2019, accessed on January 10, 2020.
  2. ^ BGH, judgment of September 4, 2001, Az. 5 StR 92/01 , BGHSt 47, 105-116
  3. District Court acquits Senator for the Interior Schill. In: December 21, 2001, accessed April 4, 2020 .
  4. a b Schill for castration of intractable sex offenders. In: . September 3, 2001, Retrieved April 25, 2019 .
  5. Frank Drieschner: Schill Party - Capital of Promise . In: The time . No. 51 , 2002 ( [accessed February 26, 2020]).
  6. "Judge Merciless" speaks plain text. In: Bildblog . March 25, 2008, accessed April 19, 2020 .
  7. Hamburg police get 20 Harleys for testing. In: . July 22, 2003, accessed June 13, 2020.
  8. Sebastian Eder: Dudde: The man behind the "Hamburger Linie". In: July 3, 2017, accessed May 9, 2020 .
  9. Official crime statistics of the Hamburg State Criminal Police Office
  10. Crime increased by one percent. In: . January 23, 2004, accessed on August 3, 2020 (registration required).
  11. Crime has fallen sharply in the Hamburger Abendblatt on February 7, 2003
  12. Less crime: Schill presents a successful record. In: . February 7, 2003, accessed March 30, 2020.
  13. ^ Frank Drieschner: Capital of Promise in Die Zeit 51/2002
  14. ^ Scandalous speech in the Bundestag: Schill party without Schill? In: August 30, 2002. Retrieved November 10, 2017 .
  15. ^ Plenary minutes of the German Bundestag. 14th legislative term, 251st meeting, 29 August 2002, pp. 25443-25446. Scan (PDF; 396 kB)
  16. Section 43 of the Bundestag's rules of procedure
  17. Schill's speech in the Bundestag - in full. In: August 30, 2002, accessed November 23, 2017 (registration required).
  18. ^ LG Hamburg, decision of February 20, 2002, Az. 324 O 95/02, text (subject to a charge)
  19. Hans Leyendecker : Who is shocked? Schill, the cocaine, the NDR - and an old bill , Süddeutsche Zeitung , Feb. 10, 2008, p. 15
  20. Schill report: No references to cocaine in Die Welt from January 15, 2004
  21. ^ "Kokain und Hasstiraden" from May 11, 2010
  22. ^ Jürgen Schmieder: Cocaine and hate speech. In: March 9, 2008, accessed September 24, 2010 .
  23. ↑ Full text of his scandal allegations. In: . August 20, 2003, archived from the original on May 3, 2016 ; Retrieved on December 7, 2019 (full text in the archive; registration required in the original).
  24. Schill missing - is he in Brazil? in the Hamburger Abendblatt on May 29, 2006.
  25. Ex-CID man finds Schill in Rio , Hamburger Abendblatt , 19 August 2006
  26. Schill speculates about the presidency in Brazil. In: . September 22, 2006, accessed July 10, 2020.
  27. Ex-Senator Schill advertised for the search. In: . December 2, 2006, accessed May 15, 2020.
  28. My new life , Hamburger Morgenpost , September 12, 2007
  29. Spiegel Online : Now the coke works for me , accessed on April 18, 2010.
  30. Ronald Schill: "Germany is ticked off for me". In: . May 16, 2019, accessed April 30, 2020.
  31. ^ VOX : Ronald Schill, Rio de Janeiro , accessed on February 11, 2015.
  32. Adam is looking for Eva: Ronald Schill, Sarah Joelle Jahnel and Peer Kusmagk naked on TV - TV | Retrieved September 13, 2016 .
  33. Hamburger Morgenpost, article Das Koks-Video hit him “very much” on March 14, 2008
  34. ^ Stumbling blocks in Hamburg: Kurt Erich Caesar Schill. In: Retrieved September 3, 2017 .