Walther von Lindenfels

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Walther Freiherr von Lindenfels

Walther Freiherr von Lindenfels (born May 21, 1878 in Ansbach , † December 6, 1938 in Stuttgart ) was a German politician ( NSDAP ) and SA leader .

Live and act

Walther von Lindenfels was born as the son of the royal Dutch prime lieutenant and adjutant to the governor general of the Dutch East Indies, Otto von Lindenfels. After attending elementary school and a humanistic grammar school , he joined the Prussian cadet corps. He was also trained at the war school. In 1896 he was accepted into the dragoon regiment "Queen Olga" (1st Württembergisches) No. 25 as porter ensign. In 1897 he was promoted to second lieutenant. He was later promoted to lieutenant, captain and squadron chief.

From 1914 Lindenfels took part in the First World War with his regiment . From January 1, 1916, he was deployed as a battalion commander on the Western Front and then in Ukraine until the end of the war . After the war, Lindenfels took over a command as battalion leader in the Württemberg security forces , with whom he claimed to be involved in the suppression of uprisings in Bavaria (smashing the Bavarian Soviet Republic ). Later in 1919 he was entrusted with the command of squadrons in Cavalry Regiments 13 and 18. In June 1920, he was appointed major. In the fall of 1921, Lindenfels finally resigned from the army voluntarily as a major on the staff due to the London ultimatum .

In the early 1920s, Lindenfels began to get involved in circles of the extreme political right. He initially worked in national associations such as the Schwabenbund, in which he took over the training of students at the Stuttgart University . On May 1, 1929, Lindenfels joined the NSDAP and in 1930 the SA. Von Lindenfels achieved his highest rank in the SA when he was appointed brigade leader on November 9, 1935. From July 28, 1934 to September 30, 1936, Lindenfels led the SA Brigade 50 (Starkenburg). On January 15, 1938, he was appointed head of the foreign department in the NSKOV's Reich Office .

From March 1936 until his death in December 1938, Lindenfels was also a member of the National Socialist Reichstag for constituency 3 (East Berlin) . After his death, Otto Engelbrecht continued his mandate .


  • Joachim Lilla , Martin Döring, Andreas Schulz: extras in uniform. The members of the Reichstag 1933–1945. A biographical manual. Including the ethnic and National Socialist members of the Reichstag from May 1924. Droste, Düsseldorf 2004, ISBN 3-7700-5254-4 , p. 376f.

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  1. See on this Peter Landau , Rolf Riess (ed.): Law and Politics in Bavaria between the Prince Regent Period and National Socialism: the memories of Philipp Loewenfeld . Aktiv-Druck und Verlag, Ebelsbach 2004, ISBN 3-932653-16-5 , p. 324. Rittmeister Freiherr v. Lindenfels here by mistake Ludwig v. Lindenfels (1874–1917) instead of Walther.