Wang Anshun

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Wang Anshun

Wang Anshun ( Chinese  王安顺 , Pinyin Wáng Ānshùn ; born December 1957 in Huixian ) is a local politician and a Communist Party official in the People's Republic of China . He was Mayor of Beijing City from January 28, 2013 to October 31, 2016 .


Wang Anshun graduated from Nankai University in Tianjin and obtained a master's degree in economics. In March 1984 he joined the Communist Party. Professionally, he went into the oil industry and held a position of responsibility for exploration in northeastern Jilin Province . From July 1999 to September 2001, he was a member of the Gansu Province Party Committee on domestic issues. In September 2001 he became deputy party leader in Shanghai , in March 2007 he moved to Beijing in the same position. Wang Anshun was also the head of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference .

As a result of deficiencies in disaster management during heavy rainstorms, during which several dozen people died, Beijing's city administration came under fire. Mayor Guo Jinlong and his deputy Ji Lin resigned. On July 25, 2012, Wang Anshun was appointed the new deputy mayor and was temporarily entrusted with the administration of the mayor's business.

On January 28, 2013, he was elected mayor of Beijing. On October 31, 2016, he resigned from his position.

Individual evidence

  1. Cai Qi appointed acting mayor of Beijing from: China Radio International , October 31, 2016, accessed October 31, 2016
  2. Wang Anshun appointed acting mayor of Beijing , Xinhua , July 25, 2012
  3. After poor disaster management: Beijing's mayor resigns , , July 25, 2012