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Municipality of Herrsching am Ammersee
Coordinates: 47 ° 58 ′ 19 ″  N , 11 ° 9 ′ 6 ″  E
Height : 542 m
Residents : 81  (1987)
Postal code : 82211
Area code : 08152
Wartaweil (Bavaria)
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Location of Wartaweil in Bavaria

Schlösschen Wartaweil am Ammersee (January 2013)
Schlösschen Wartaweil am Ammersee (January 2013)

Wartaweil is a district of the municipality of Herrsching am Ammersee in the Upper Bavarian district of Starnberg .


The village is located approx. 4 km southwest of the core town of Herrsching, elongated for more than 3 km and directly on the east bank of the Ammersee . State Road 2068 runs to the east .


In the list of architectural monuments in Herrsching am Ammersee , three architectural monuments are listed for Wartaweil :

  • The white column (Im Seemoos) was an orientation column. The tuff stone pillar on the lakeshore (built around 1629) served as orientation for pilgrims and fishermen.
  • The monument (Ramsee) is an artificial stone pillar with a flat tent roof . The recessed red marble slab bears the inscription: Here stood / the village of Ramsee / with little church / St. Nikolaus / broken down in 1860 resp. 1864.
  • The Schlösschen Wartaweil (Wartaweil 79) is a two-story hipped roof building with four corner towers. Originally neo-Gothic , the building was built in 1900 for the painter George Daris by the architect Josef Hörauf. In 1966 a renovation took place.

Web links

Commons : Wartaweil  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Genealogy network