Huinco hydropower plant

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Huinco hydropower plant
Huinco hydropower plant (Peru)
Huinco hydropower plant
Coordinates 11 ° 45 '34 "  S , 76 ° 36' 51"  W Coordinates: 11 ° 45 '34 "  S , 76 ° 36' 51"  W
country PeruPeru Peru
place Lima region
Waters Río Santa Eulalia
power 270 MW
operator Enel
Start of operations 1964
turbine 4 Pelton turbines

The Huinco hydropower plant (span. Central Hidroeléctrica Huinco ) is located in the Peruvian Western Cordillera on the Río Santa Eulalia in the central west of Peru , 55 km northeast of the state capital Lima . The power plant is located in the San Pedro de Casta district in the Huarochirí province of the Lima administrative region .

Hydroelectric power plant

The hydropower plant was built in the 1960s. The first unit went into operation in 1964. The cavern power plant is accessible via an 858 m long tunnel. The hemispherical chamber is 108 m long, 31 m wide and 24 m high. The power plant is equipped with 4 horizontally aligned Pelton turbines . The total installed capacity is 270 MW. The average annual energy production is 1158 GWh. The power plant uses a gross drop height of 1,293 meters (net head: 1,245 m). The expansion water volume is 25 m³ / s.

Sheque dam

The Sheque dam ( ) is located on the Río Pallca , a source of the Río Santa Eulalia. The dam was built in 1962. The storage volume is 430,000 m³. The dam is 125 m long and 39 m high. The water is led from the dam to the power plant via a 13.1 km long pipeline. The Carhuac and Huanza hydropower plants are located above the dam .

More water storage and supply lines

Several natural lakes in the catchment area of ​​the dam were provided with dams so that an increased water storage capacity is available for the downstream hydropower plants. Furthermore, water is diverted from the lake Laguna Marcapomacocha , which lies in the catchment area of the Río Mantaro , and is fed to the catchment area of ​​the power plants above the lake Laguna Milos via an 11.9 km long canal and a subsequent 10.1 km long tunnel .

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates: OSM | WikiMap

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Huinco . Enel. Retrieved September 7, 2019.