Wassili Maximowitsch Maximow

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Sick man , 1881

Vasily Maximov Maximowitsch ( Russian Василий Максимович Максимов , scientific. Transliteration Vasilij Maksimovič Maksimov , 17 January * . Jul / 29. January  1844 greg. In Lopino near Novaya Ladoga , † November 18 jul. / 1. December  1911 greg . in Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian painter .


Maximow grew up in a peasant family. At an early age he was apprenticed to an icon painter , where he learned the first steps in painting . In 1863 he entered the Petersburg Art Academy as a guest student. His painting The Sick Child (Больное дитя) from 1864 was awarded by the Academy. Two years later he left the Petersburg Art Academy. He became a tutor in the Tver Governorate .

A trip to the Volga followed in the course of which he dealt intensively with the life of the people and the rural traditions in this region. During this time, his painting Babushkiny Skasky (Бабушкины сказки) was created, which was purchased by Pavel Mikhailovich . Another work from this period was The Arrival of the Magician at the Peasant Wedding (Приход колдуна на крестьянскую свадьбу).

In the 1870s and 1880s he created a series of paintings depicting the life of the rural poor. He took part with his works in the first traveling exhibition of the Peredwischniki and in November 1872 became a member of this association. He died in Saint Petersburg in 1911.

Unique in the history of Russian painting, Maximov occupies a permanent place as the “historian” of popular life in Russia.

Works (selection)

  • Meager Dinner (Бедный ужин) (1879)
  • Bread on loan (Заем хлеба) (1882)
  • The blind host (Слепой хозяин) (1884)
  • Everything Past (Всё в прошлом ") (1889)
  • The wicked mother-in-law (Лихая свекровь) (1893)

Web links

Commons : Vassily Maximov  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files