Vasily Petrovich Stasov

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Vasily Stasov on a Soviet postage stamp from 1948

Vasily Stasov ( Russian Василий Петрович Стасов , scientific. Transliteration Vasilij Petrovich Stasov ; July 24 * . Jul / 4. August  1769 greg. In Moscow ; † August 24 jul. / 5. September  1848 greg. In Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian classicist builder who played a key role in the design of Saint Petersburg.

Stasov studied at Moscow University and, after having trained in France, England and Italy for six years from 1802, became one of the most important architects in St. Petersburg from 1808 in the service of the Russian tsarist court. Among other things, he designed the Paulskasernen at Marsfeld , the interior of the Winter Palace and partially redesigned the Catherine Palace and the Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo . The Alexander Nevsky Memorial Church in Potsdam was built in a smaller form based on his design for the Desjatin Church in Kiev, which is now destroyed .

His grave is in the Lazarus Cemetery at the Alexander Nevsky Monastery .

Stassov's children were the suffragette Nadeschda Wassiljewna Stassowa (1822–1895), the influential art critic Wladimir Wassiljewitsch Stassow (1824–1906) and the lawyer Dmitri Wassiljewitsch Stassow (1828–1918), whose daughter Jelena Dmitrijewna Stassowa (1873–1966) was Russian Communist Was Lenin's secretary .


  • 1817/18 conversion of the former Pavlovsky barracks, St. Petersburg
  • 1817/18 rebuilding of the stables in TsarskoyeSelo
  • 1818 Triumphal Arch, Tsarskoye Selo
  • 1826–1828 Church of the Transfiguration, St. Petersburg
  • 1826–1829 Alexander Newski Memorial Church (design), Potsdam
  • 1827–1834 Narva Triumphal Arch , St. Petersburg
  • 1828–1835 Holy Trinity Cathedral in Saint Petersburg
  • 1833–1838 Moscow Triumphal Arch , St. Petersburg
  • 1838–1840 St. Nicholas Cathedral in Omsk
  • 1839 Coat of Arms Hall in the Winter Palace, Hermitage Saint Petersburg
  • 184? -1857 Trinity Cathedral in Morshansk

Web links

Commons : Wassili Petrovich Stasow  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The small encyclopedia , Encyclios-Verlag, Zurich, 1950, volume 2, page 668