Dmitri Wassiljewitsch Stasow

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Dmitri Wassiljewitsch Stasow ( WA Serow , 1908)

Dmitry Vasilyevich Stasov ( Russian Дмитрий Васильевич Стасов * January 20 . Jul / 1. February  1828 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 28. April 1918 in Petrograd ) was a Russian lawyer .


Stassow, son of unbegüterten aristocratic architect Vasily Stasov , attended as his older brother Wladimir along with KP Pobedonostsev the Imperial jurisprudence school in St. Petersburg with completion in 1847. Then he served in the Herald office of the Governing Senate . In the summer of 1856 he took part in the coronation of Alexander II as a herald and received a diamond ring with ruby . In 1858 he became senior secretary of the civil department of the Senate. In 1859 he organized a group of young lawyers. He contributed significantly to the preparation of the judicial reform of Alexander II in 1864.

In September 1861 Stassow left the public service and started working as a freelance lawyer . In the course of the introduction of the new court statute of 1864, Stassow was one of the first to register as sworn attorneys for representation in district courts and chambers of justice. In April 1866 he was inducted into the new office in an official ceremony. Shortly thereafter, he was elected chairman of the St. Petersburg Council of Sworn Lawyers. He was regularly re-elected until he left the presidency in 1914.

Stasov was a defense attorney in a number of important political trials against members of the Narodnaya Volya , for example in the trial against DW Karakasov in 1866.

Stassow was friends with many artists , writers and composers . In 1871 and 1881 he led the trials as legal representative of PI Tchaikovsky and his editor Peter Juergenson against the director of the St. Petersburg court orchestra NI Bachmetew and the chief police officer AA Kozlov , who edited the liturgy of Johannes Chrysostomos Tchaikovsky, citing special orders from the synods of Had confiscated in 1816 and 1846. Stassow won both trials. The music lover Stassow had learned to play the piano with Anton Gerke and Adolf Henselt and was especially friends with MI Glinka , AS Dargomyschski , MA Balakirew , César Cui and MP Mussorgski . Stassow was one of the leaders of the concert company founded by AF Lwow in 1850. In 1859 he was director of the Russian Music Society. He also contributed to the adoption of a law in 1882 introducing 50-year copyright law for composers and remuneration standards for musicians. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the court statute of 1864, he was presented with a gold medal in the name of the sworn attorneys (the only one in all of Russia) and a capital raised in his name to support lawyers.

Stassow was born with Polyxena Stepanovna. Kuznetsova (1839-1918) married. She was socially active and wrote memories of the women's movement . In the 1860s she was included in the women's movement by her sister-in-law Nadezhda Vasilyevna Stasova and joined the circle of Maria Trubnikova in the fight for women's rights. She participated in the society for low-cost housing for the needy founded by Nadezhda Stasova, Yevgenia Konradi , Marija Trubnikova, Nadezhda Beloserskaya and Anna Filossofowa in St. Petersburg under the patronage of Grand Duke Michael Nikolayevich . The society also wanted to enable women to do intellectual work for their livelihood and to build a system of higher education for women in Russia. Polyxena also took part in the establishment and operation of (non-church) Sunday schools that could only exist for two years (1861–1862). In 1863 she was one of the 36 founding members of the first women's publishing cooperative founded by NW Stassowa and Anna Engelhardt . In 1894 she supported her sister-in-law in founding the Children's Aid Society and took over management, whereupon she became chairwoman in 1895. Day nurseries for needy children were set up under her leadership .

Dmitri Stasov and Polyxena had six children. Her daughter Jelena became a revolutionary , while Varvara became a music and literary scholar .

Dmitri Stassov's grave is located in the St. Petersburg necropolis of the masters of the arts .

Individual evidence

  1. Легкий Д. М .: Д. В. Стасов - юрист и общественный деятель . Дисс. канд. ист. наук Саратов, 1992.
  2. Троицкий Н. А .: Корифеи российской адвокатуры . Moscow 2006.
  3. a b c юридическая Россия: Дмитрий Васильевич Стасов (accessed June 6, 2017).
  4. Internet Archive: Анна Николаевна Энгельгардт (accessed June 4, 2017).