Werner Bulst

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Werner Bulst SJ (born October 9, 1913 in Berlin ; † December 20, 1995 in Darmstadt ) was a German Jesuit and theologian .


Werner Bulst joined the Society of Jesus immediately after graduating from Luisengymnasium Berlin in 1932 in Mittelsteine in the Glatz district and received the sacrament of ordination in Mainz in 1942 through Bishop Albert Stohr . He studied in Munich, Breslau, Frankfurt and Rome theology and was established in 1951 with a bible theological work at the Pontifical Gregorian University doctorate . From 1952 to 1963 he was professor for New Testament exegesis and fundamental theology at the theological faculty of the Philosophical-Theological University of Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt am Main , then lecturer for Catholic theology and student chaplain at the Technical University of Darmstadt , as well as head of the Catholic Education Center in Darmstadt.

Bulst published numerous scientific publications in books and magazines, some of which were translated into foreign languages ​​several times. Since 1947 he has been involved in research on the Turin Shroud and has written a number of treatises on individual issues.

Fonts (selection)

  • We adore. Eucharistic devotions for the church year " , Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer 1950 (last published in 1994 in 17th edition).
  • Israel as "signum elevatum in nationes". The idea of ​​the symbolic character of Israel in the writings of the Old Testament in analogy to the symbolic character of the church , Innsbruck 1952 (at the same time dissertation at the theological faculty, Gregorian University, Rome 1951).
  • The Shroud of Turin. Research reports and studies " , Knecht, Frankfurt am Main 1955.
  • Sensible Belief. The historical foundations of faith in Christ , More, Berlin 1957. (previously as a series on Vatican Radio )
  • Revelation - Biblical and Theological Concept , Patmos, Düsseldorf 1960.
  • Ecclesiastical obedience and intellectual honesty , Catholic educational institution of the Archdiocese of Vienna, Vienna 1969. (on the occasion of the encyclical Humanae Vitae )
  • The Shroud of Turin. Access to the historical Jesus? The new state of research , Badenia, Karlsruhe 1978.
  • with Heinrich Pfeiffer : The Turin Shroud and the Christ Image , Vol. 1: The Shroud, Research Reports and Investigations , Frankfurt / Main 1987.
  • Fraud on the Turin Shroud. The manipulated carbon test , Knecht, Frankfurt am Main 1990
  • with Heinrich Pfeiffer: Das Turiner Grabtuch und das Christusbild , Vol. 2: Das Grabtuch, der Veil von Manoppello and their impact history in art , Knecht, Frankfurt / Main 1991.

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