Werner Wedemeyer

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Werner Wedemeyer

Werner Wedemeyer (born October 17, 1870 in Hameln , † May 23, 1934 in Kiel ) was a German legal scholar .


Wedemeyer studied law at the Philipps University of Marburg . On 13 July 1892 he was in the Corps Hasso Nassovia recipiert . In 1903, he was from the Georg-August University of Göttingen to Dr. iur. PhD. Just a year later he completed his habilitation. The Corps Hildeso-Guestphalia Göttingen awarded him the ribbon on June 10, 1904. In 1908 he was appointed full professor at the law faculty of the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel . In 1915 he wrote the memorandum The German Corps after the War for the VAC General Committee . In 1919 he became first chairman of the Association of Old Corps Students .

In the Weimar Republic he was twice rector of the CAU from 1923 to 1925 . His focus was on civil law , Roman law , civil procedural law and labor law . After the Reichstag election in March 1933 , Wedemeyer and his colleague Walther Schücking were among the professors whose dismissal was demanded by the student body and the press. Wedemeyer stood by the Weimar Republic and by his hostile and persecuted friend Hermann Kantorowicz , who was convinced of Germany's guilt in the First World War . Under such pressure, Wedemeyer asked for his release on May 22, 1933, which took place on June 7. He died a year later at the age of 63.


  • Speak at the burial of the Geh. Councilor of Justice Max Pappenheim on Tuesday, February 6, 1934 . Kiel 1934
  • General part of the BGB . J. Springer, Berlin 1933
  • The German corps after the war . Schmidt & Klaunig, Kiel 1915


  • Honorary Member of the Corps Hasso-Nassovia (July 17, 1921)
  • Dr. rer. pole. hc from Heidelberg University


  • Dirk Henning Hofer: Karl Konrad Werner Wedemeyer (1870-1934). A legal and scholarly life in three realms. A biography . Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2010

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: Interpretation and error in their context .
  2. Habilitation thesis: The conclusion of a mandatory contract through acts of fulfillment and appropriation .
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 99/582; 44/262
  4. ^ A b Klaus Vassel: Corps history of Hasso-Nassovia in Marburg 1839–1954. A retelling , Vol. 2. Marburg 1981, p. 263.
  5. a b Professor Dr. Werner Wedemeyer. uni-kiel.de , accessed on September 9, 2013 .
  6. Rector's speeches (HKM)
  7. ZBW
predecessor Office successor
Georg Kautz VAC chairman
Gerhard Bockelmann