Wessel Albertus van Hengel

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Wessel Albertus van Hengel

Wessel Albertus van Hengel (born November 12, 1779 in Leiden ; † February 6, 1871 there ) was a Dutch Reformed theologian.


The son of Jacobus van Hengel (born September 1, 1741 in Leiden; † November 5, 1818 in Leiden) and Magaretha van Groen (born December 3, 1736 in Breda; † January 30, 1798 in Leiden) attended primary and Latin schools his hometown. After he had left this with the Rede de praestantia poeseos ( The meaning of poetry ), he began on September 14, 1795 to study theology at the University of Leiden . Here he attended the lectures of David Ruhnken , Johan Luzac , Daniel Wyttenbach , Dionysius van de Wijnpersse and Johannes Henricus van der Palm, among others . He completed his theological training withSebald Fulco Johannes Rau , Jona Willem te Water , Broërius Broes and Johannes van Voorst . The latter made him fond of interpreting the New Testament. In May 1802 he became a candidate for the preaching office, passed his theological exam on November 9, 1802, and became a pastor in Karlshagen on January 2, 1803, which he took up with a sermon on the 3rd letter of John (15:14).

Here he experienced a fire which destroyed a large part of his work. After some parts of his collection were saved, he was able to continue his theological studies. In May 1805 he received a call as pastor to Driehuizen and Zuidschermer. Therefore, on September 8, 1805, he held his farewell sermon in Karlshagen on Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians (4:11) and took up his new position on September 15 of that year with a sermon on the gospel according to Matthew (28:20 ) on. Here he began to work literarily. His first work was entitled Opstel over Palestina als het beste land tot woonplaats voor de Joodsche natie ( treatise on Palestine as the best land of residence for the Jews ). In 1808 he received a silver medal from the The Hague Society for the thematic treatise Verhandeling over de geschiedenis van den wonderdadig opgewekten Lazarus ( treatise on the history of the awakening of Lazarus ).

This in turn spurred him to write a second treatise for the society, which appeared under the title Verhandeling over de hemelvaart en koninklijke waardigheid van Jezus Christ ( treatise on the ascension and royal dignity of Jesus Christ ) and for which he received a gold medal from the society. After he was in the Bibliotheek voor Theol. Letterkunde ( library for theological literature ) his five negotiating over de eeuwigheid der straffen ( treatises on the eternity of punishments ) and in the Bijdr. dead de beoefening en divorce. the godgel. Wetenschappen ( contributions to the practice and history of theological sciences ) had published his Kritiek en Exegese van het NT ( Critique and Exegesis of the New Testament ), he became a pastor in Grootbroek on May 6, 1810.

He entered this office with a sermon on the gospel according to Matthew (17: 5b). He also appeared as an author in Grootbroek. His version of Betoog dat de Doop en het Avondmaal, naar het oogmerk van Jezus instelling, door alle tijden dezer wereld moeten voortduren , published in The Hague Society in 1811, would be ( explanation that baptism and the Lord's Supper, from the point of view of Jesus, over all times of this World must last ), his questions about the prize questions answered in Teyler's God's learned society About het gevoelen van JA Eberhard wegens den oorsprong van den Chr. Godsdienst ( About JA Eberhard's feelings about the origin of Christian worship , 1812) and Over den invloed van de byzondere karakters in persoonlijke denkwijzen der Evangelisten en Apostelen op derzelver written ( On the content of the special character in personal ways of thinking of the Evangelists and Apostles from the same writings , 1813) and his Bijdragen over hetgeen in de leerstellingen van Jezus en de Apostelen betrekking published in the The Hague Society had tot de people, tyden en plaatse n, in en onder welke zij leefden ( contributions on that in the doctrines of Jesus and the apostles that are related to people, times and places in and under which they lived ).

On October 6, 1815, he was appointed professor of theology at the Illustre Gymnasium in Franeker by royal resolution , which he took up on December 10, 1815 with the speech elementis disciplinae theologicae bene ac diligenter pertractandis ( beginnings of theological education good and careful treatment ). As rector of the institution in 1816/17, he resigned his office on November 6, 1817 with the speech de singulari religionis christianae vi atque efficacitate ad piam honestamque puerorum educationem ( The excellent Christian religious strength and effect of the pious and honorable upbringing of children ). In 1818 he moved to the Athenaeum Illustre Amsterdam as professor of theology , which he took up on June 8 with the speech de religionis Christianae disciplina verae ac nativae eloquentiae uberrima nutrice ( The Christian religious education of true and natural rhetoric of fruitful education ). In 1819 he was appointed an honorary doctorate in theology by the Senate of the University of Leiden. In Amsterdam he had taught church history, hermeneutics, natural theology, dogmatics and exegesis. In addition, treatises on ethics, homiletics, encyclopedia and methodology were incorporated into his lectures. He was also pastor of the Athenaeum (Concionator Athenaei).

After he had turned down a theological chair at the University of Utrecht in 1822, the curators of the University of Leiden appointed him professor of theology in 1827, with the task of teaching the interpretation of the New Testament. That is why he held his farewell sermon on Book 1 of the Chronicle (29: 15a) on September 16 that year in Amsterdam and took over his chair in Leiden on September 22, 1827 with the inaugural speech de grammatica literarum sacrarum interprete ( the grammatical literature of sacred interpretation ) . His Institutio Oratoris Sacri ( instruction of sacred speeches ) appeared in Leiden in 1829 , which he himself described as his best work. He also participated in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the alma mater in 1831/32 . He laid down this task with the speech de Religionis Christianae efficacitate in bellum tum plane singulari, do maxime salutari ( the Christian religion's effectiveness in war, of course, characteristic, as particularly welcome ). He stayed largely out of the theological disputes of his time. Many of the publications he wrote during his professorship were in the field of exegesis. After he had given his farewell sermon as an academy preacher on December 16, 1849, he was retired on December 20 of the same year. From then on he devoted himself to scientific work.

Van Hengel was a member of the Society for the Defense of Christian Worship in The Hague, curator of the Stolpischen Legate at the Leiden University and a member of the Commission for the Affairs of the East and West Indian Churches. On March 1, 1819 he became a resigned member of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Sciences , in 1825 the Society for Dutch Literature in Leiden appointed him a member and he became a Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion . He was also a member of many domestic and foreign learned societies.


He married on August 8, 1808 in Amsterdam Anna Maria Hupé (born January 31, 1783 in Amsterdam; † March 13, 1859), widow of the doctor Christiaan Biesterbos (married March 7, 1806 in Amsterdam) in Amsterdam, daughter Friedrich Ullrich Hoepe and the Johanna van Regteren. The marriage resulted in 10 children, five of whom the parents survived. From the children we know:

  • Charlotte Margaretha Clasina van Hengel († July 9, 1882 in Breda) married. July 18, 1861 in Leiden with Henricus Johannes Eliza van der Kop (* around 1799; † August 23, 1879 in Schoonhoven)
  • Jacobus van Hengel (born December 4, 1809 in Driehuizen, † December 23, 1859 in Wieringen) married. Dingena Schieveen (born April 6, 1812 in Schiedam, † May 15, 1903 in Voorburg)
  • Joannes Fredericus van Hengel (born March 6, 1811 in Grootebroek, † April 18, 1892 in Hilversum) married. May 1, 1840 in Leiden Henrica Peerlkamp (January 24, 1811 in Dokkum; † December 4, 1874 in Hilversum)
  • Cornelis Petrus van Hengel (born April 21, 1812 in Grootebroek, † June 18, 1872 in Amsterdam) became a businessman, married. May 23, 1846 in Rotterdam with Johanna Clasina Koning (* July 25, 1824 in Rotterdam; † March 20, 1902 in Amsterdam)
  • Frederik Ulderik (Frits) van Hengel (born January 11, 1814 in Grootebroek; † May 15, 1876 in Hilversum) was pastor, married. I. November 4, 1841 in Valkenburg with Paulina Aletta van den Ende (born September 15, 1818 in Rotterdam, † October 28, 1853 in Batavia (Jakarta)) married. II. On December 15, 1854 in Batavia (Jakarta) with Maria van der Plas (born June 10, 1821 in Breda, † December 18, 1871 in Hilversum), married. III. November 26, 1873 in The Hague with Wilhelmina Catharina van der Hart (born June 17, 1830 in Mons (Bergen); † November 24, 1889 in The Hague)
  • Anna Maria van Hengel (born January 11, 1817 in Franeker; † January 15, 1817 ibid)
  • Margaretha Joanna Petronella van Hengel (born May 5, 1818 in Franeker, † April 19 in Schoonhoven) married. April 18, 1845 in Leiden with Christiaan Jan van Ketwich (* February 25, 1818 in Zwolle; † December 22, 1903 in Leiden)
  • Hermanus Joannes van Hengel (* July 8, 1820 in Amsterdam, † April 25, 1899 in Oene) became a doctor, married. October 30, 1850 in Epe with Anna Hendrika Wilhelmina Dalhuisen (born August 14, 1825 in Oene; † October 13, 1860 ibid)

Fonts (selection)

  • Hulde aan God, wegens de rampzalige verwoesting in de stad Leyden, voorgevallen the 12 January dezes Jaars 1807. Leiden 1807. ( Online )
  • Oratio de elementis disciplinae theologicae bene ac Diligenter Pertractandis. Leeuwarden 1816. ( Online )
  • Oratio de religionis christianae disciplina verae ac nativae Eloquentiae uberrima nutrice. 1818. ( online )
  • Annotation in loca nonnulla Novi Testamenti. Amsterdam 1824. ( Online )
  • Idle speeches. 1st vol. 2nd edition Amsterdam 1828. ( Online )
  • Disputatio de bonorum communione, ad Antiquissimis Christi sectatoribus Institua. 1823. ( online )
  • Institutio oratoris sacri. Leiden 1829. ( Online )
  • Sint-Nikolaas en het Sint-Nikolaas-feest. Leiden 1831. ( Online )
  • Geschiedenis der zedelyke en godsdienstige Beschavung van het Hedendaagsche Europa. 1. Vol. Amsterdam 1831. ( online ); 2nd vol. Amsterdam 1836. ( online ); 3. Vol. Zalt Bommel, 1841 ( online ), Leiden 1866. ( online )
  • Oratio de religionis christianae efficacitate in bellum, cum plane singulari, tum Maxime Salutari. Leiden 1832. ( Online )
  • Memoria Joannis van Voorst, Theologiae Doctoris et Professoris in Academia Lugduno-Batava. Leiden 1834. ( Online )
  • Commentarius perpetuus in Epistolam Pauli ad Philippenses. Leiden and Amsterdam 1838. ( Online )
  • Vijf brieven over The Life of Jesus, critically edited by Dr. DF Strauss, III edition, in het algemeen, en over een gedeelte der Lijdensgeschiedenis in het Bijzonder. Leiden 1839. ( Online )
  • Korte schets the academic lessen over de evangeliebediening in de Nederlandsche Kerk. Leiden 1840. ( Online )
  • Bevestiging van Frederik Ulrik van Hengel as evangeliedienaar in de Oostindische Kerk. The Hague 1841. ( Online )
  • Keizer Hendrik de derde: a tafereel van 's mans leven, deugden en deserve. Leiden 1844. ( Online )
  • Tweede Achttal speaking empty. Leiden 1844. ( Online )
  • Toespraak bij het Graf van Joannes Clarisse, in leven alm theol. 1846. ( online )
  • Afscheid speech as academy preacher aan de Hoogeschool te Leyden. Leiden 1850. ( Online )
  • Over de godgeleerdheid in het algemeen en hare betrekking tot het onderwijs op 's Lands Hoogescholen in het bijzonder. Leiden 1850. ( Online )
  • Commentarius perpetuus in prioris Pauli ad Corinthios epistolae caput quantum Decimum cum Epistola ad Winerum theologum Lipsiensium. 1851. ( online )
  • Interpretatio Epistolae Pauli ad Romanos, primum in Lectionibus Academicis proposita nuc novis curis ad editionem Patra. Leiden and Leipzig, 1854. Tomus 1 ( online ), Tomus 2 ( online )
  • Iets over het wenschelijke eener nieuwe Nederduitsche bijbel-vertaling. Arnhem 1855. ( Online )
  • Het wenschelijke eener nieuwe Nederduitsche vertaling van den Bijbel in het algemeen en van het Nieuwe Testament in het Bijzonder, volgens de nu Gelegde Grondslagen. Amsterdam 1855. ( Online )
  • De Gave of the Tales. Leiden 1864. ( Online )


  • J. van Kuyk: ASSEN (Cornelis Jacobus van) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 2. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 42–43 (Dutch, knaw.nl / dbnl.org - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1912, reprinted unchanged).
  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Verlag JJ van Brederode, Haarlem 1878, vol. Additions (nl: bijvoegsel), p. 284, ( online , Dutch)
  • Levens reports of the afgestorvene Medeleden van de maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde. EJ Brill, Leiden, 1871, p. 178 ( online )
  • Jan Pieter de Bie, Jakob Loosjes: Biographical woordenboek van protestantsche godgeleerden in Nederland. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1919–1931, Vol. 3, pp. 681–692, ( online )

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