Wilfrid Bade

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Wilfrid Albert Karl Bade (born February 4, 1906 in Berlin , † late April 1945 in Kaunas ) was a German writer and ministerial official of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda under Goebbels in National Socialist Germany .


He was the son of fire chief Albert Bade and his wife Emma nee. Reppin.

Bade started working for Scherl-Verlag in 1928 and joined the NSDAP on October 1, 1930 (membership no. 310.103).

Bade worked for National Socialist propaganda from 1933 until the end of the Second World War and wrote a biography of Joseph Goebbels and the factual report Die SA conquers Berlin as early as 1933 . Further publications were published in the aftermath of the bathing in the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda in Berlin, who was promoted to Ministerialrat in 1940, with themes and in the style of the Nazi era until the end of the war .

Bades death circumstances are not clarified. At the end of April 1945 he was missing in Berlin.

According to the information in Ernst Klee's cultural dictionary , he was in Soviet captivity after the end of the war and died on December 24, 1945 in Kaunas . The Volksbund Kriegsgräberfürsorge records baths with the death / missing date of December 24, 1945 and the death / missing place "Kasemattenlaz. Hosp. Kaunas". According to the Volksbund, his remains could not be recovered during reburial work. Nevertheless, his name is recorded in the collective cemetery in Kauen / Kaunas in a “special place” as well as in the memorial book of the cemetery.

After the end of the war, all of his writings were placed on the list of literature to be sorted out in the Soviet occupation zone .

Since 1932 he had been married to Mathilde, daughter of Heinrich Haußmann from Heilbronn.

Fonts (selection)

  • Cultural policy tasks of the German press. A speech . Junker & Dünnhaupt , Berlin 1933.
  • Joseph Goebbels . Coleman, Lübeck 1933.
  • The SA conquers Berlin. A factual report . Knorr & Hirth, Munich 1933.
  • Drummer boy under the swastika . Loewe, Stuttgart 1934.
  • History of the Third Reich 4 volumes. Volume 1: 1933. The year of the revolution. Volume 2: 1934. Volume 3: 1935. Volume 4: 1936. Coleman, Lübeck.
  • Thiele finds his father . Knorr & Hirth, Munich 1934.
  • The Song of Songs from the Third Reich , Volume 1: Work and Bread. The Deutsche Illustrierte, Berlin 1934.
  • Flame and wind. Poems . German publishing house , Stuttgart / Berlin 1936.
  • Gloria over the world , novel. Ullstein, Berlin 1937.
  • Horst Wessel . In: Jagdgeschwader Horst Wessel . Edited on behalf of the Chief of Staff of the SA by Obersturmbannführer Hans Peter Hermel . Munich 1938, pp. 21-41
  • The car is conquering the world. Biography of the motor vehicle . Zeitgeschichte-Verlag, Berlin 1938
  • The song of steel . Gebr. Böhler, Vienna 1940.
  • Death and Life: Verses of War. Volk und Reich publishing house, Prague / Amsterdam / Berlin / Vienna 1943.
  • Jadran. Novella. 3. Edition. Essen Publishing House , Essen 1943.
as editor
  • The heroic year: Front and home report on the war. 97 war fires. 2nd volumes. Zeitgeschichte-Verlag, Berlin 1941.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Klee: The culture lexicon for the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 25.
  2. Wilfrid Bade. on: volksbund.de
  3. ^ German administration for popular education in the Soviet occupation zone, list of literature to be sorted out. Transcript letter B, pages 17-64. Zentralverlag, Berlin 1946. (on: polunbi.de )