Wilhelm Buddenberg (politician)

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Election poster by Wilhelm Buddenberg from 1967

Wilhelm Buddenberg (born July 27, 1914 in Neuenhaus , Grafschaft Bentheim district ; † February 14, 1992 in Nordhorn ) was a German teacher and politician ( CDU ).


Buddenberg grew up in Neuenhaus, where his parents ran a bakery on Hauptstrasse. In 1933 he passed the final examination at the secondary school in Nordhorn. He then completed his labor service and studied between 1934 and 1936 at the Pedagogical University in Dortmund . After completing his studies, he was employed as a teacher at the rural schools in Esche and Brandlecht in the Grafschaft Bentheim district.

In 1937 Buddenberg was called up for military service. He had been a member of the NSDAP since March 1, 1940 ( membership number 7.575.393). Until the end of the Second World War in 1945 he was an infantry officer in the war. He suffered a total of five serious wounds, which left 70 percent war damage .

Between 1946 and 1955 Buddenberg was the main teacher at the country school Groß -ringen ; In 1955 he was appointed rector of the Ernst Moritz Arndt School in Nordhorn. Buddenberg gave up this position when he was elected to the Lower Saxony state parliament in 1967. Between 1964 and 1972 Buddenberg was mayor in Nordhorn and from 1968 to 1971 district administrator in the county of Bentheim.

Buddenberg was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class and was the holder of the Ring of Honor of the City of Nordhorn and the Great Cross of Merit of the Lower Saxony Order of Merit. In the 6th to 8th electoral term he was from June 6, 1967 to June 20, 1978 for the CDU member of the Lower Saxony state parliament .

From 1952 until his death, Buddenberg was on the board of the home association of the Grafschaft Bentheim. He was interested in regional history , the Grafschafter local poetry and the Low German language . He was the author, editor and co-editor of a number of works, including “Groafschupper Platt” (Grafschafter Platt), including “Heimatdichtung der Grafschaft Bentheim” (1989) and “Ut de Pütte. Groafschupper Platt föar groot en kläin ”(1994). From 1980 to 1988 he self-published six narrow volumes of anecdotes and stories in Grafschafter Platt. The titles of these little books are: "Kaalchen un Lieschen" (1980), "Freu di met" (1981), "Freu di noch moal" (1982), "Freu di weär" (1983), "Freu di verdann" (1985) ), "Freu di altied", (1988). The subtitle is always: "Pleseärege stories föar jung en ault". Wilhelm Buddenberg reached a wide readership with the column “Groafschupper Platt in`t Wochenblatt”, which he has been writing regularly since 1983.


  • Barbara Simon : Member of Parliament in Lower Saxony 1946–1994. Biographical manual. Edited by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Lower Saxony State Parliament, Hanover 1996, p. 58.
  • Heinrich Voort: Obituary Wilhelm Buddenberg. In: Bentheimer Jahrbuch 1993, Das Bentheimer Land. Heimatverein des Grafschaft Bentheim e. V. ISBN 3922428320

Web links

Commons : Wilhelm Buddenberg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Voort: Obituary Wilhelm Buddenberg. page 6
  2. Hans-Peter Klausch : Brown Roots - Old Nazis in the Lower Saxony state parliament groups of the CDU, FDP and DP. On the Nazi past of Lower Saxony state parliament members in the post-war period (PDF file; 1.73 MB) p. 19
  3. ^ Heinrich Voort: Obituary Wilhelm Buddenberg. Page 7