Wilhelm Denhard (administrative lawyer)

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Wilhelm Denhard (born March 29, 1876 in Stettin , † 1944 in Bonn during an air raid) was a German tax officer.


After graduating from high school in Stettin in 1894, Wilhelm Denhard studied law and political science at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität . In 1894 he was reciprocated in the Corps Hansea Bonn . As an inactive he moved to the Royal University of Greifswald . After passing the first state examination, he was a trainee lawyer in Treptow at Rega and Stettin from July 1897 . In 1902 he became an assessor in Frankfurt am Main. In 1904 he moved to the Prussian administration of customs and indirect taxes with uses in Stettin, Kleve, Münster, Liebau in Silesia and Breslau. In 1912 he was appointed to the government council in the Prussian Ministry of Finance and in 1914 to the lecturing council . During the First World War, Denhard was initially as captain of the reserve battery leader and department commander in a field artillery regiment. In 1917/18 he was head of the department for trade and industry of the Upper East Staff and, after its division, head of the same department in the administration of the Baltic countries in Riga. Most recently he was Deputy Head of Administration. His last rank was major in the reserve.

In 1919 he was appointed department head in the Reich Ministry of Finance in the organizational and administrative department established to set up the newly created Reich Finance Administration. In 1921 he was appointed Ministerial Director of the Department for Customs and Consumption Taxes. In this function he was involved in the fight against the occupation of the Ruhr in 1923 and in the trade treaty negotiations, especially the German-Belgian negotiations. At the beginning of 1925 he was put into temporary retirement at his own request and appointed President of the Hanover State Tax Office. In this position he was appointed to lead the German delegation to negotiate the German-Italian trade agreement in Rome. He ended the negotiations by signing the agreement on October 31, 1925. Until after 1935 he was president of the state tax office. He was chairman of the committee for simplification in the customs administration appointed by the Reichsparkommissar and a member of the board of the economic society for studying in Lower Saxony.



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Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 11/327
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 13/325