Wilhelm Dopheide

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Wilhelm Dopheide (born February 27, 1901 in Bünde , † October 14, 1970 ) was a German pulmonologist and during the Second World War head of the health department in the Galicia District of the Generalgouvernement .


After finishing his school career, Dopheide completed his studies in medicine and obtained his doctorate in 1926 at the University of Göttingen with the dissertation “A case of dorso-lateral dislocation in Lisfranc's joint”. med. He trained as a pulmonologist and practiced as a resident doctor in Schwaan until November 1934 .

After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists , he joined the NSDAP at the beginning of May 1933 ( membership number 2.806.851). Furthermore, he was SA-Sanitätsobertruppführer . From 1935 he was a district doctor and headed the health department in Hagenow as a medical officer and was the local district representative of the racial political office of the NSDAP . He was also a TBC welfare doctor in Rostock . Due to the previously unknown "Jewish blood impact" of his adopted daughter, he conferred with the Supreme Court of the NSDAP in 1935 to clarify whether he could remain a member of the party and the NS organizations.

During the Second World War he was drafted into service in German-occupied Poland in December 1940 and was initially a medical officer in Krakow in the so-called Generalgouvernement . After the attack on the Soviet Union , he became medical director in Lemberg in August 1941 and headed the health department in the district office in the Galicia district from November 1941 to August 1944. In the course of the Nazi euthanasia , on November 24, 1941, he asked Herbert Linden how to deal with patients at the Lemberg-Kulparkov institution: "May I ask you to briefly tell me how the action would be carried out by you technically". There are "around 1000 to 1200 mentally ill people, 600 of whom are Jews," of whom 1179 were starving by July 1942.

When he returned to the German Reich from Lviv , he took over as deputy head of the health department in Parchim .

After the end of the war, Dopheide was interned by the Allies from 1945 to 1947. He then worked as a doctor at the Bodelschwingh Institute . He then headed the health department in Hagen .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ The persecution and murder of European Jews by National Socialist Germany 1933-1945, Volume 1, German Reich 1933-1937 , edit. von Wolf Gruner, Munich 2008, p. 420. ISBN 978-3-486-58480-6 and Ernst Klee: Das Personenlexikon zum Third Reich , Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 116f. ISBN 978-3-596-16048-8
  2. ^ Thomas sand cooler: Final solution in Galicia. The murder of Jews in Eastern Poland and the rescue initiatives by Berthold Beitz 1941–1944 , Bonn 1996, p. 451
  3. ^ Ernst Klee: Das Personenlexikon zum Third Reich , Frankfurt am Main 2007, pp. 116f.
  4. a b The persecution and murder of European Jews by National Socialist Germany 1933–1945, Volume 1, German Reich 1933–1937 , edit. by Wolf Gruner, Munich 2008, p. 591