Wilhelm von Bures

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Wilhelm von Bures (* around 1090; † 1158 ) was a French crusader from Bures-sur-Yvette ( Île-de-France ). In Palestine he made a career as Prince of Galilee , as well as constable and Bailli of the Kingdom of Jerusalem .


He came to the Kingdom of Jerusalem with his brother Gottfried von Bures before 1115 . There were both vassals of Joscelin of Courtenay , who was then Prince of Galilee . In 1119 they took part in an attack on Muslim territory on the other side of the Jordan . Gottfried was killed in the process. In the same year Joscelin became Count of Edessa and left Wilhelm the Principality of Galilee.

When Eustach I Garnier died in 1122 and while King Baldwin II of Jerusalem was in captivity, he became constable and Bailli of the kingdom.

From 1127 to 1128 he was sent to France , together with the Templar master Hugo von Payns and the Lord of Beirut , Guido I. Brisebarre , to find a husband for the heir to the throne of Jerusalem, Balduin's daughter Melisende . In the spring of 1129 they traveled back to the Holy Land with Count Fulko V of Anjou , where they arrived in May.

In the autumn of 1129 he took part in the unsuccessful attempt to besiege Damascus , where in November he was ambushed while obtaining food in the surrounding area and barely escaped.

After the death of King Fulkos he lost his principality to Elinand and had to go into exile in Latakia . His nephew Simon held the principality for him since 1150 . He could only return after the death of Queen Melisende.

He died in 1158. In the principality he was succeeded by Walter von St. Omer, who married his niece and heiress Eschiva.

Older literature assumed that Prince Wilhelm of the years 1119–1142 and 1153–1158 were different people and counted them as Wilhelm I and Wilhelm II, but Hans Eberhard Mayer identified the two as the same person.

Marriages and offspring

His first marriage was to an Agnes . In his second marriage he married Eschiva von St. Omer , the daughter of the former Prince of Galilee Hugo von Falkenberg . He had the following children with his first wife:

  • Gottfried († before 1142)
  • Rudolf (Raoul), monk in the monastery on Mount Zion
  • Simon, monk at the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem
  • NN ⚭ Rudolf (Raoul) from Ysis
  • Agnes ⚭ I) Rainer Brus , Lord of Banias, ⚭ II) Gerhard Garnier , Count of Sidon;


  • Hans Eberhard Mayer : The Crusader Principality of Galilee between Saint-Omer and Bures-sur-Yvette. In: Raoul Curiel, Rika Gyselen (ed.): Itinéraires d'Orient. Homages to Claude Cahen (= Res Orientales. 6). Groupe pour l'étude de la civilization du Moyen-Orient, Bures-sur-Yvette 1994, ISBN 2-9508266-0-1 , pp. 157-167.
  • Régine Pernoud : Women at the time of the Crusades (= Herder spectrum. 4375). Herder, Freiburg (Breisgau) 1995, ISBN 3-451-04375-0 , p. 54.
  • Steven Runciman : History of the Crusades. Special edition in one volume without references to sources and literature. CH Beck, Munich 1978, ISBN 3-406-02527-7 , pp. 454, 463, 472, 474, 475-476, 483-486.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Hans Eberhard Mayer: The Crusader Principality of Galilee between Saint-Omer and Bures-sur-Yvette. In: Itinéraires d'Orient. Homages to Claude Cahen. 1994, pp. 157-167.
  2. Martin Rheinheimer : The Crusader Principality of Galilee (= Kiel work pieces. Series C: Contributions to the European history of the early and high Middle Ages. 1). Lang, Frankfurt am Main et al. 1990, ISBN 3-631-42703-4 , pp. 39-63, (At the same time: Kiel, University, dissertation, 1989: Studies on the Crusader Principality of Galilee. )
predecessor Office successor
Joscelin of Courtenay Prince of Galilee
Simon from Bures Prince of Galilee
Walter of St. Omer
Eustach I. Garnier Constable of Jerusalem
Manasses of Hierges
Eustach I. Garnier Bailli of Jerusalem
Miles from Plancy