Wilhelm Leger

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Wilhelm Leger (born March 2, 1894 in Regglisweiler ; † June 19, 1964 in Biberach an der Riss ) was a German politician ( CDU ) and from 1946 to 1964 mayor of Biberach an der Riss.


Wilhelm Leger attended high school in Bad Mergentheim and Ehingen before completing training as an administrative officer in Erolzheim . After taking part in World War I as a lieutenant, he worked from 1924 to 1944 as a town caretaker in Biberach. Towards the end of the Second World War he was a political prisoner with the Gestapo in Ulm for six months on charges of undermining military strength .

After the Second World War, Leger was appointed provisional mayor in Biberach by District Administrator Fritz Erler with the consent of the French occupation authorities, and was confirmed in office in 1946 by the mayoral election. After Biberach was elevated to a large district town in 1962 due to the strong population growth , Leger became the city's first mayor .

After receiving the Federal Cross of Merit and honorary citizenship, Leger retired in 1964. He died that same year and was buried in the Catholic cemetery. He was followed in the office of Lord Mayor Claus-Wilhelm Hoffmann .


He campaigned for reconstruction and housing construction and made particular efforts to attract larger companies to the area. Commercial space was reserved early on in the northern district of Birkendorf , and the Liebherr company was able to move to the south . During his term of office the laying of the crack and the decision to build a sewage treatment plant also fell.

In 1946 Leger was a member of the founding board of the CDU local association in Biberach.


  • Federal Cross of Merit, First Class (1964)
  • Honorary Citizen of the City of Biberach (1964)
  • Wilhelm-Leger-Strasse in Biberach
  • Wilhelm Leger Sports Hall in Biberach (on the site of the former Wilhelm Leger indoor swimming pool)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Falko Domdey: Who is who; Remarkable Biberach from 10 centuries . 1st edition. Biberacher Verlagsdruckerei, Biberach 2016, ISBN 978-3-943391-84-8 , p. 197 f .
  2. a b c d e honorary citizen of the city of Biberach. In: Homepage of the city of Biberach an der Riß www.biberach-riss.de. Retrieved January 19, 2020 .
  3. Dieter Stievermann, Volker Press , Kurt Diemer (ed.): History of the city of Biberach . Theiss, Stuttgart 1991, ISBN 3-8062-0564-7 , chapter "Biberach from 1945 to the mid-sixties", p. 603 ff .