Wilhelm Meinerzhagen

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Wilhelm Meinerzhagen (born March 19, 1893 in Oberhausen ; † October 21, 1974 in Lindlar ) was a German doctor and politician .


Wilhelm Meinerzhagen spent his childhood with two brothers and four sisters in Oberhausen-Osterfeld. Both brothers died in the First World War . Before the First World War he studied theology in Münster, but was drafted in 1914 and served as a lieutenant and company commander. He was badly wounded at Verdun . After the war he studied philosophy in Marburg and medicine in Munich, Vienna and Berlin. In 1922 he passed his medical state examination in Berlin. In May 1923 he finally received his doctorate in medicine from the Humboldt University in Berlin . After initially working at the anatomical-pathological institute of the Charité Berlin, he began extensive specialist training in the areas of internal medicine, surgery and gynecology. During this time he worked in hospitals in Berlin, Bottrop and Lippstadt . On August 1, 1930, he became the chief physician of the Lindlar hospital, which was then still run as an affiliated hospital. During the Second World War he was drafted again and from 1942 headed the Lindlar Hospital as part of the Bensberg reserve hospital . He prevented the heavy artillery bombardment of the Lindlar hospital in 1945 by sending a commission to the American commandant with a letter he had written. From 1948 to 1956 he was a member of the Lindlar Council. In 1959 he resigned from his position as chief physician.

Honorary citizenship and wording of the certificate

The Lindlar community honored him by making him an honorary citizen on March 18, 1968 on the occasion of his 75th birthday. The certificate issued has the following wording:

“The citizen of our community, Dr. med. Wilhelm Meinerzhagen, as chief physician and surgeon, has dedicated his outstanding skills with exemplary professional ethics to the well-being of the citizens, an outstanding contribution to the development of the Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus Lindlar to its current importance. He has always retained his basic democratic attitude. He had played a decisive role in ensuring that Lindlar was spared the destruction of the war in 1945 and, as a member of the council, used his strength to build up the community from 1948 to 1956. He has done a lot for the community! In gratitude and admiration, based on the resolution of February 15, 1968, the council of the community awards Dr. med. Wilhelm Meinerzhagen on the occasion of his 75th birthday right and dignity of an honorary citizen of the Lindlar community. On behalf of the council: Bosbach, mayor, Fabritius, community director. Done in the town hall of Lindlar on March 18, 1968. "

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