Wilhelm Staudinger

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Wilhelm Staudinger as a witness at the Nuremberg Trials, 1947

Wilhelm Staudinger (born December 4, 1902 in Munich , † after 1974 ) was a German party functionary ( NSDAP ).

Live and act

In his youth Staudinger attended a Munich elementary school (1907 to 1912), the Maria-Theresia-Kreisrealsschule (1912 to 1919), the Luitpold-Oberrealschule (1919 to 1921) and the Oberrealschule III in Munich (1921 to 1922), which he left with the matriculation examination. He then worked from 1922 to 1924 for the Munich Reinsurance Company . He also studied economics, geography and philosophy at the University of Munich . During this time Staudinger joined the NSDAP for the first time in April 1922 ( membership number 5.301). In September 1923 he also became a member of the federal Oberland , with which he participated in the failed Hitler putsch in Munich in November 1923 .

After leaving Munich Reinsurance Company in 1924, Staudinger studied economics at the Technical University of Munich . He completed this course in 1928 with a diploma. Later he did his doctorate at the same university with a dissertation on the indebtedness of agriculture for Dr. rer. techn.

From 1929 to 1931 Staudinger was alternately unemployed and employed on short-term contracts, for example as a typist in a drugstore and in agriculture. In 1931 Staudinger, who had rejoined the NSDAP in December 1928 (membership number 108.007), got to know the NS politician Walther Darré , who accepted him into his staff in the NSDAP's agricultural policy office, where he worked until the end of 1933.

At the turn of the year 1933/1934, Staudinger moved to the newly established staff office of the Reichsbauernführer (i.e. Darré) on the occasion of the establishment of the Reichsnährstand , whose task was to provide ideological advice to the farmer's leader. In the staff office, he initially worked as a department head in main department C (publishing and newspaper affairs, advertising and education) headed by Roland Schulze. In this capacity he was responsible for peasant history, peasant law and other agricultural and economic matters. In 1936 Staudinger was promoted to main department head and entrusted with the management of staff main department E (reconnaissance).

Staudinger had also been a member of the SS since 1934 (membership number 268.365), in which he was promoted to the rank of SS standard leader on January 30, 1938 . Within the SS he was assigned to the main race and settlement office and held the post of liaison officer between the main race and settlement office and the SD main office .

From the end of 1939 to the spring of 1942 Staudinger was a member of the Wehrmacht , with which he took part in the 1940 campaign in the west , the occupation of France and the campaign in Greece .

At the end of World War II came Staudinger in Allied captivity. As a result, he was heard as a witness at the Nuremberg Trials .


  • The indebtedness of the German agriculture with special consideration of the indebtedness statistics , Munich 1937. (Dissertation)
  • Agriculture in the German construction , Berlin 1938.

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Individual evidence

  1. Sigfrid Gauch: Fundsachen , 2010, p. 159 records that Staudinger and his widow Walther Darres set up a donation account this year.
  2. Taschenbuch für Verwaltungsbeamte , 1937, p. 267. See also: Andreas Dornheim : Rasse, Raum und Autarkie. Expert opinion on the role of the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture in the Nazi era , 2011, p. 75f.