Wilhelm Theodor Carl Alberti

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Wilhelm Theodor Carl Alberti (born on October 3, 1746 in Helmstedt ; died on August 12, 1771 there ) was a German philologist, theologian, pedagogue, rector at the city ​​or council school and lecturer at the University of Helmstedt .

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Alberti was a son of Georg Siegfrid Alberti, the custodian of the Stephanuskirche in Helmstedt, and his wife Catharina. He was first taught by his father, attended grammar school and finally from 1765 the University of Helmstedt, where he studied philosophy , philology , new languages ​​and theology . Here he acquired the Venia legendi and was in 1770 with the signature I. Dissertatio Philologico-Hermenevtica De Locis Sacrae Scriptvrae Parallelis cesarean Dr. PhD in Philology . His respondent was Anton August Heinrich Lichtenstein .

He passed the exam before the Wolfenbüttel Consistory with regard to the "right Lutheran faith" with regard to his suitability as rector. In 1769 he was appointed rector of the council school in Helmstedt and confirmed as such by the duke. He gave his inaugural address on “ Neologisms in the Latin Style” in Latin. He gave lectures on philosophy at the university and created school programs that should enable effective teaching in the different school systems despite overcrowded classes. His writings showed understanding for the students and their future. He saw Latin lessons as a basic requirement for training. He taught students, some of whom even came from Braunschweig, Halberstadt, Hildesheim or Magdeburg.

He married in 1770, but died of consumption only a year later . His widow received an annual payment of 12 Thalers from the “Princely Servants 'and Widows' Fund”.

As a practice-oriented pedagogue, Alberti shaped the school system in his hometown, despite his early death. Already during his school and study days he had taught the children of respected families and preached in the university church. He was also a subprior of the Marienthal monastery , which at that time also housed a teachers' college.


  • Membership and then senior of the Ducal German Society in Helmstedt
  • Co-founder of an association to perfect the knowledge of the Latin script and language.


  • with Augustus Antonius Eobaldus Alers, Johann Carl Christoph Ferber : Schediasma De Eo Qvod Proprivm Est In Ciceronis Latinitate Qvo Simvl Viro… Avgvsto Antonio Eobaldo Alers Brvnovic. Sacrific. Litterar. Candidato Qvvm Academiae Ivlio-Carolinae Cvm Lavde Bonorvm Valediceret Nomine Societatis Latinae Qvae Svb Praesidio… Io. Caroli Christophori Ferberi Log. Et Metaph. Professoris Pvbl. Ord. Floret Optimam Felicitatem Gratvlatvr Gvil. Theod. Carol. Alberti Helmstad. Societ. Dvcal. Tevton. Senior Et In Templo Academ. A Concionibvs Habendis. D. III. Octobr. MDCCLXVIII. Michael Günther Leuckart, Helmstedt October 3, 1768, OCLC 935150890 ( diglib.hab.de ).
  • with August Wilhelm Ferber: Num vocabula quaevis nova hodie reicienda in latino sermone, neque liceat umquam onomatopoiei; ... Michael Günther Leuckart, Helmstedt 1769, OCLC 257628176 .
  • with Anton August Heinrich Lichtenstein (respondent), Julius Friedrich Ludwig Rodemeier and Theodolus Antonius Woller (as contributors): Dissertatio Philologico-Hermenevtica De Locis Sacrae Scriptvrae Parallelis Sectio I. Michael Günther Leuckart, Helmstedt 1770, OCLC 250342327 .
  • Programma De Locis Sacrae Scriptvrae Parallelis Sectio III. ... Johann Drimborn, Helmstedt 1770, OCLC 838828748 , urn : nbn: de: gbv: 3: 1-262957 .
  • Observationes Philologico-Criticae In Horatium Sortis Suae Laudes Celebrantem Carm. Lib. III. Od. XVI. v. XXVIIII-XXXII. Michael Günther Leuckart, Helmstedt 1771.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Knoch, P. K Heß: History of the school system, especially the Latin city school in Helmstedt . Abth. 2. Meinecke, Braunschweig 1861, OCLC 837266933 , p. 38 ( publikationsserver.tu-braunschweig.de [PDF]).
  2. Gisela Babnik: Alberti, Wilhelm Theodor Carl. In: Horst-Rüdiger Jarck , Dieter Lent et al. (Ed.): Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon - 8th to 18th century . Appelhans Verlag, Braunschweig 2006, ISBN 3-937664-46-7 , p. 33-34 .
  3. ^ Wilhelm Knoch, P. K Heß: History of the school system, especially the Latin city school in Helmstedt . Abth. 2. Meinecke, Braunschweig 1861, OCLC 837266933 , p. 40 ( publikationsserver.tu-braunschweig.de [PDF]).