Wilhelmine Loeper

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Dorothee Luise Wilhelmine Loeper (also written as Löper; * March 23, 1822 in the municipality of Lichtenberg ; † October 18, 1842 there ) was a landowner. Together with her family members Martin Friedrich Löper, Carl and Julius Löper, she campaigned for the development of what was then the suburb of old Berlin through land donations . The city ​​of Berlin later recognized their commitment by classifying their grave site as a cultural monument . It is located in the Lichtenberger Rathauspark

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Wilhelmine Löper's grave site

Wilhelmine Loeper was probably the wife of the Löper son Julius and thus the daughter-in-law of the village mayor Martin Friedrich Löper (1781–1874) in Lichtenberg.

Mausoleum of the Löper family in the abandoned cemetery in Gotlindestraße

In 1840 the Berlin address book shows the following members of the Löper family: M (artin) F (riedrich) Löper, landowner and judge , J (ulius) Löper, landowner and Schulze in Friedrichsfelde and C (arl) Löper, silk weaver.

From the first third of the 19th century, the Löper family provided the community with a large amount of building land from their property, on which residential buildings, commercial buildings and the town hall could be built. At the same time, they are involved in the administration of the place for the common good. This contributed to rapid economic and population growth in Lichtenberg.

The square around the old parish church of Lichtenberg , the former village green , later Wilhelmplatz, was given the name of the landowning family in 1914: Loeperplatz .


  1. The location of the Löper mausoleum with Plonzstraße given by Kaupert is incorrect. According to tradition, there was never a cemetery on this street. Nor can it be assumed that the mausoleum was ever moved.

Individual evidence

  1. Wilhelmine Loeper grave site
  2. ^ The story of Löper on berlin.kauperts.de; accessed on December 28, 2019.
  3. Löper . In: General housing gazette for Berlin, Charlottenburg and surroundings , 1840, I, p. 234.