Willi Auer

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Willi Auer (born September 21, 1949 in Tübingen ; † March 31, 1998 ) was a German politician ( REP ). From April 28, 1992 to September 27, 1993 Auer was a member of the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg ( MdL ).


Willi Auer has represented The Republicans on the Pforzheim municipal council since 1989 , and as its chairman from 1991. In the state elections in Baden-Württemberg on April 5, 1992 , Auer won the second mandate in the Pforzheim state electoral district and on April 28, 1992, he entered the state parliament for the REP parliamentary group. At that time he was working as an industrial foreman in Pforzheim. On September 27, 1993, Auer informed the President of the State Parliament, Fritz Hopmeier, in a letter that he was giving up his mandate with immediate effect. On October 6, 1993, Chief Detective Bernhard Amann succeeded him . Health reasons were officially given for Auer's departure, but he was replaced by the party as he was facing a criminal investigation into theft in a perfumery. During his time in the state parliament, Auer only stepped to the lectern once: he spoke in the 7th plenary session on September 23, 1992 on the debate about the garbage emergency in Baden-Württemberg.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Complete list of the members of the 11th state parliament of Baden-Württemberg . In: State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg . 11th parliamentary term 1992–1996. Volume I: Subject registers A – K. Stuttgart, S. X , urn : nbn: de: bsz: 24-ltp382442156_016_016_1992-1996_bwr2 .
  2. ^ Gravestone at the main cemetery in Pforzheim and information from the city of Pforzheim from April 15, 2019 .
  3. a b Bernd Neubacher: The Republicans in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament - from a right-wing extremist to a right-wing extremist established party? Stuttgart 2002, p. 128–130 , urn : nbn: de: bsz: 93-opus-11395 .
  4. ^ Minutes of the 32nd meeting on October 20, 1993 . In: State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg . 11th parliamentary term 1992–1996. Plenary Minutes Volume 4 : 31.- 39. Meeting, September 23, 1993 to February 3, 1994. Stuttgart, p. 2503 , urn : nbn: de: bsz: 24-ltp382442156_069_069_1993-1994_bwp6 .
  5. State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg . 11th parliamentary term 1992–1996. Volume III: Speech Register, Adopted Laws. Stuttgart, S. 4 , urn : nbn: de: bsz: 24-ltp382442156_018_018_1992-1996_bwr5 .

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