Willi Kurtz

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Willi Kurtz (born April 7, 1892 in Diedenhofen ; † July 1974 ) was a German newspaper publisher .


Kurtz did a practical apprenticeship in the printing and publishing house of the Lothringer Post . After a traineeship in Lucerne in 1911 , he worked abroad as a technician for printing companies. Kurtz took part in the First World War from 1915 to 1918 and then worked from 1919 to 1926 as an editor for a liberal newspaper in Bavaria , during which time he also passed his master's examination in Munich in 1923 .

From 1926 to 1930 Kurtz was publishing director at Dr. Kirsch AG in Aschaffenburg , which published the Observer on the Main . In 1930 he took over the publishing management of the Coburger Tageblatt . In 1940, Kurtz, a supporter of National Socialism , received the offer to change to the newly founded Occupation Gazette Deutsche Zeitung in Norway and accepted it. During the preparations he received his instructions personally from Reich Commissioner Josef Terboven and the Reichsleiter for the press, Max Amann . Also present was Amann's subordinate Rolf Rienhardt , who ran Europa-Verlag, a subsidiary of Amanns Franz-Eher-Verlag , of which the new newspaper became part. Kurtz stayed with the Deutsche Zeitung until 1942 and then left Norway again.

After returning to Germany, Kurtz co-founded a daily newspaper. After the Second World War , he worked as a consultant in lease negotiations between old and new publishers and, since 1949, again in Coburg as the publishing director and co-editor of the Neue Presse .

Kurtz was married and had one child.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Guri Hjeltnes, Gunnar Koehne, Eckart Klaus Roloff : Printing in the north. Nazi policy in Norway 1940-1945. In: Medium , 1988 (vol. 18), No. 2, p. 61.
  2. ^ Guri Hjeltnes, Gunnar Koehne, Eckart Klaus Roloff : Printing in the north. Nazi policy in Norway 1940-1945. In: Medium , 1988 (vol. 18), No. 2, p. 61 and Oron J. Hale : Press in the Straitjacket 1933–45 . Droste, Düsseldorf 1965, p. 280.