Willy Spannowsky

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Willy Spannowsky (* 1958 ) is a German lawyer whose main focus areas are planning law , regional planning law and European law . Often he is also involved in reports of national or international importance. He is also the holder of the chair of public law in the department of spatial and environmental planning at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern as well as a judge at the Palatinate Higher Regional Court in Zweibrücken .


Spannowsky studied law at the University of Tübingen from 1980 to 1984 . He then worked there until 1986 as a research assistant at the Püttner chair. He then completed his legal clerkship at the Tübingen Regional Court from 1986 to 1988 . In 1987 he finally did his doctorate at the University of Tübingen.

After graduating, he worked in 1989 and 1990 as a prosecutor in the core Department of Economic criminal cases in the prosecutor's office in Stuttgart . From 1991 he worked as a research assistant at the chair von Püttner at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen. Between 1990 and 1991 he was also a judge at the Tübingen Regional Court.

In 1994 he finally wrote his habilitation thesis on the subject of the limits of administrative action through contracts and agreements . During this time he also worked as a private lecturer as a substitute for the chair of public law at the University of Trier .

From 1994 to 1995 he took over the chair of public affairs at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . In 1995, however, he was appointed to the chair of the same name in Kaiserslautern, where he still works today. In the summer semester of 1994, he initially worked there as a substitute for a chair, but from the end of 1995 as the official holder.

In 1996 he was finally appointed judge at the Palatinate Higher Regional Court in Zweibrücken. There he works in the second main office.

Since 2013, Spannowsky has been a member of the Advisory Board for Spatial Development at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Home Affairs .



  • Environmental audits for urban planning and projects
  • Technical and legal problems of densification and building land mobilization
  • Location-based management of business start-ups
  • The effects of military training areas on urban planning and the legal planning permissibility of projects
  • Environmental impact assessment in land use planning
  • Intersections between planning and implementation of plans in urban planning law, Festschriften, CHBECK book ISBN 978-3-406-65193-9

Legal comments

  • Spannowsky / Uechtritz: Building Code: BauGB, 2nd edition, comment CHBECK book ISBN 978-3-406-63039-2
  • Spannowsky / Runkel / Goppel: Spatial Planning Act (ROG): ROG Commentary, CHBECK book ISBN 978-3-406-60472-0
  • Bielenberg / Runkel / Spannowsky: Spatial planning and regional planning law of the federal and state governments • Continuation reference, supplementary commentary and systematic collection of legal and administrative regulations. Basic work with supplementary delivery 3/14, commentary, ESV, loose-leaf, ISBN 978-3-503-01362-3
  • Bielenberg / Runkel / Spannowsky: Spatial planning and regional planning law of the federal and state levels • Apartwerk, supplementary commentary and systematic collection of legal and administrative regulations, commentary


Spannowsky is a member of the following institutions and associations:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Prof. Dr. Willy Spannowsky - author profile and works. In: beck-shop.de. Retrieved September 22, 2015 .
  2. a b c d e f Prof. Dr. jur. Willy Spannowsky. In: ru.uni-kl.de. Retrieved March 25, 2018 .
  3. Curriculum Vitae - Willy Spannowsky - SciPort RLP. In: rlp-forschung.de. Retrieved September 22, 2015 .