Willy Burkhard

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Willy Burkhard (born April 17, 1900 in Leubringen , † June 18, 1955 in Zurich ) was a Swiss composer.


Willy Burkhard attended the Muristalden teachers' seminar and then studied in Bern with the Münster organist Ernst Graf, in Leipzig with Sigfrid Karg-Elert , in Munich with Walter Courvoisier and in Paris with Max d'Ollone . In 1924 Burkhard settled down as a private music teacher in Bern, where he was appointed to the conservatory as a theory teacher in 1928 .


His most important works include the oratorios The Face of Isaiah (1933–1935) and The Year (1940–1941), the Gotthelf opera Die Schwarze Spinne (1948) and the a cappella choir piece The Flood (1954/55).

In 1945 he created a romance for the horn (with piano accompaniment).

Willy Burkhard's estate is kept in the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel.


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