Willy Buschhoff

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Wilhelm "Willy" Buschhoff , also Wilhelm Buschoff (born February 23, 1888 in Worms , German Empire , † after November 8, 1943 in Auschwitz concentration camp ) was a German theater actor .


Buschhoff received acting lessons from Franz Jacobi in Munich at the age of 19 and received further training from Emanuel Reicher at the Reichersche Hochschule für Dramatic Kunst ( Berlin ) . In 1908 Buschhoff began his first engagement at the Meininger Hoftheater . At a young age he was cast in the role of youthful hero. Buschhoff's subsequent stage stops were Eisenach , Lodz and Tilsit . In 1912 Willy Buschhoff came to the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus . There, interrupted only by military service in 1915/16, he was able to assert himself as a character actor. From 1919 to 1924 Buschhoff appeared on stages in Breslau , Wiesbaden and Aachen . In 1925, Willy Buschhoff largely withdrew from active acting and concentrated on the work of an acting teacher. He gave lessons in speaking technique and trained voices.

As a result of the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists , the Jew Wilhelm Buschhoff was only able to find employment in the Jewish Cultural Association from 1933 onwards . There he mainly appeared as a reciter . As part of the last large-scale deportation of Jews to Berlin in autumn 1943, Willy Buschhoff was deported to Auschwitz on November 8, 1943, where he was probably murdered a little later under unknown circumstances.


  • Kay Less : Between the stage and the barracks. Lexicon of persecuted theater, film and music artists from 1933 to 1945 . With a foreword by Paul Spiegel . Metropol, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-938690-10-9 , p. 80.

Web link

  • Entry in the Central Database of the Names of Holocaust Victims at the Yad Vashem Memorial