Winfried Grabe

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Winfried Grabe (* 1963 in Munich ) is a German composer , concertmaster , violinist and conductor .


Winfried Grabe studied violin with Otto Büchner and Kurt Guntner at the University of Music and Theater in Munich . In addition, he studied chamber music at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart as first violinist of the Seraphin Quartet with the Melos Quartet . Since the 1980s he has played with the Bavarian State Orchestra , the Munich Philharmonic , the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and as concertmaster with the Munich Symphony Orchestra. Since 1991 he has been concertmaster of the Amati Ensemble Munich , the Augsburg Chamber Soloists and the Würzburg Bach Orchestra . Grabe performs regularly as a soloist, the repertoire includes works from the baroque to the modern. In 1993 Grabe took over the artistic direction of the "Ensemble Haar", since then he has conducted numerous concerts with various orchestras. As a film composer, Winfried Grabe set numerous films for cinema, television and advertising, including the Oscar-nominated short film Gregor's greatest invention .

He produced the music for the documentary Seelenvögel (2009). One of the children was his son Leonard (“Lenni” for short), who had leukemia and who unfortunately died during the filming. His family was followed by camera for some time.

Grabe made his debut as a film composer in 1997 with the love drama Hunger - Sehnsucht nach Liebe , directed by Dana Vávrová . Most recently he wrote the music for the television films directed by Sibylle Tafel , Marriage is no solution and Little Red Riding Hood .

Filmography (selection)

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