Of mice and lies

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Original title Of mice and lies
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2011
length 90 minutes
Director Sibylle table
script Thomas Bahmann ,
Ralf Hertwig
production Jan Bremme ,
Sabina Naumann ,
Ernst R. von Theumer Jr.
music Winfried Grabe
camera Wolfgang Aichholzer
cut Karin Nowarra

Of Mice and lies is a German television - comedy from the year 2011 .


The two ENT specialists Dr. Arnold Fischer and Gregor Reibold want to expand their joint medical practice with a state-of-the-art tinnitus center . Unfortunately, the necessary space in the neighboring apartment, which also belongs to Fischer, is occupied and the tenant steadfastly refuses to move out.

Even after his death, the expansion plans are thwarted - by the musician Mathilda Lenz, who inherited the rent from her deceased grandfather. Since Arnold Fischer is a person who is constantly looking for balance and wants to please everyone, he finds it difficult to get the new tenant to move out. On top of that, he falls in love with the single mother. So he doesn't know how to decide for the tenant or his selfish friend. meanwhile he tries to persuade the competitor to undress with terror such as noise, mice and devastation.


"Made-up romantic (television) comedy about the needs of a man who has to learn to think of himself."

“Arnold as a kind-hearted stoic forms a nice contrast to the fun-loving Mathilda, dialogues and story get off to a good start overall. Conclusion: Moults into a lot of fun "

“Director Sibylle Tafel has a knack for love comedies. [...] So this fun, based on the script by Thomas Bahmann [...] and Ralf Hertwig [...], offers good entertainment with solid performance and lots of funny moments - even if it is a bit exaggerated at times. "


The romantic comedy had its first broadcast on June 10, 2011 on ARD . The film was seen by around 3.74 million viewers, which corresponds to a market share of 14.1 percent. The film was shot in and around Munich from August 11, 2009 to September 9, 2009 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Of Mice and Lies. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. ↑ About mice and lies at tvspielfilm.de
  3. Of Mice and Lies. In: prisma.de. prisma-Verlag , accessed on September 2, 2017 .
  4. ↑ About mice and lies at tittelbach.tv
  5. ↑ About mice and lies at crew united . Retrieved September 2, 2017.