Elisabeth Plant

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Elisabeth Plant , known as Sarah Camp (pseudonym), (born December 11, 1946 in Rosenheim ) is a German cabaret artist , author , director and actress .


Plant studied German , philosophy and education and wrote her doctoral thesis on sexuality and sexual ideology of the first-person narrator in Günter Grass' novel 'Die Blechtrommel'. In 1972 she published her poetry collection Hymne to a Negro , which was dedicated to "the black GI and his women". Since 1977 she has been writing, staging and playing her solo programs and satirical folk theater pieces, with which she goes on tour through German-speaking countries. There were also arrangements of works by Johann Nestroy and Eduardo De Filippo . Baukasten (1977), a "Bavarian satire on the Christmas business", was awarded prizes . Her two-person piece The Guest Room was premiered in 1996 with her and Erdal Merdan at the Modern Theater in Munich. She also worked as a director and staged plays by Friedrich Schiller and Stefan Zweig . She also writes scripts and, since the late 1980s, has been appearing in film and television as an actress alongside her continued theater work as well as outside of her own productions. She had permanent serial roles in The Caretaker (1987 to 1992), Stadt, Land, Mord! (2006 to 2007), With Heart and Handcuffs (2002 to 2010), Franzi (2009 to 2012) and Munich 7 (2004 to 2013). You could see them in the cinema. a. in films such as Bandits (1997), Aimée & Jaguar (1999), Cherry Blossoms - Hanami (2008).

Filmography (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kürschner's German Literature Calendar 2012/2013 ( German ) De Gruyter. Retrieved June 20, 2013.
  2. Hundred Years of Cabaret: On the Staging of Social Identity Between Protest and Propaganda ( German ) Königshausen & Neumann. Retrieved June 20, 2013.