Vladimir Georgiev (Linguist)

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Vladimir Ivanov Georgiev ( Bulgarian Владимир Иванов Георгиев ; scientific transliteration Vladimir Ivanov Georgiev ; born February 3 . Jul / 16th February  1908 greg. In Gabare, Vratsa Province , Bulgaria ; † 14. June 1986 ) was a Bulgarian linguist .

He received his doctorate from the University of Vienna . After that, Georgiev became Professor of Linguistics at Sofia University . He received a Dr. hc from the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Charles University in Prague .

He was a member of various institutions, including the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , a corresponding member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres , the Royal Academy of Belgium , the Finnish Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Athens . He has published a number of books, particularly on fundamental problems in historical linguistics.


  • The bearers of the Cretan-Mycenaean culture, their origins and their language . Part I: Ancient Greeks and Urillyrians (Thraco-Illyrians) . Pridworna pečatnica, Sofia 1937.
  • Pre-Greek Linguistics . 2 vols. University printing house, Sofia 1941/1945.
  • The linguistic affiliation of the Etruscans . University printing house, Sofia 1943.
  • Inscriptions minoennes quasi-bilingues . Special issue of the Annuaire de l'université de Sofia: faculté historico-philologique , XLVI, 1949/50.
  • Lexique des inscriptions créto-mycéniennes . Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Sofia 1955.
  • Trakijskijat ezik . Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Sofia 1957.
  • Issledovanija po sravnitel'no-istoričeskomu jazykoznaniju [= studies of comparative-historical linguistics]. Izdatel'stvo inostrannoj literatury, Moscow 1958.
  • The ancient Greek river names . Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Sofia 1958.
  • Văprosi na bălgarskata etimologija [= questions of Bulgarian etymology]. Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Sofia 1958.
  • Bălgarska etimologija i onomastika [= Bulgarian etymology and onomastics]. Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Sofia 1960.
  • La toponymie ancienne de la peninsule balkanique et la thèse méditerranéenne . Special issue of Linguistique balkanique , 3, No. 1, 1961; again in Sixth International Onomastic Congress, Florence-Pisa, April 1961 (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) . Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Sofia 1961.
  • Hittite and Etruscan. The Hittite origin of the Etruscan language . Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Sofia 1962.
  • Les deux langues des inscriptions crétoises en linéaire A . Special issue of Linguistique balkanique 7, No. 1, 1963, pp. 1–104.
  • La bilingue di Pyrgi e l'origine ittita dell'etrusco . Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Rome 1964.
  • Introduzione alla storia delle lingue indeuropee . Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Rome 1966.
  • The interpretation of the ancient Thracian inscription from Kjolmen . Special issue by Balkansko Ezikonznanie 11, No. 1, 1966.
  • Etruscan Linguistics . 2 parts. Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Sofia 1971/2.
  • Trakite i technijat ezik . Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Sofia 1977.
  • La lingua e l'origine degli Etruschi . Nagrad, Rome 1979.
Articles and posts
  • Une inscription prétendue éteocrétoise . In: Revue de philologie , XXI, 1947, pp. 132–140.
  • État actuel des recherches et coordination du travail dans le domaine des langues anciennes balkanoasianiques . In: Archív orientální XVII / I, 1949, pp. 275–87.
  • Le déchiffrement des inscriptions crétoises en linéaire A . In: Ezikovedski izsledvanija v čest na akademik Stefan Mladenov . Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Sofia 1957, pp. 419-26.
  • The Pelasgian . In: Eva Sivertsen (Ed.): Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Linguists . Oslo University Press, Oslo 1958, pp. 406-13.
  • The origin of the names of the largest rivers of the Balkan Peninsula and their meaning for the ethnogenesis of the Balkan peoples . In: Balkansko Ezikoznanie , No. 1, 1959, pp. 5-27.
  • Contribution à l'étude de l'étymologie grecque . In: Balkansko Ezikoznanie , No. 1, 1959, pp. 69-86.
  • Albanian, Dacish-Mysian and Romanian, the origin of the Albanians . In: Balkansko Ezikoznanie , No. 2, 1960, pp. 1-19.
  • Raporturile dintre limbile dacă, tracă și frigiană . In: Studii clasice , Bucharest 1960.
  • On Dacian hydronomy . In: Acta antiqua Acad. Scient. Hungaricae , No. 10, 1962, pp. 115-121.
  • Thrace et illyria . In: Balkansko Ezikoznanie , No. 6, 1963, pp. 71-4.
  • The Dacian glosses and their meaning for studying the Dacian language . In: Balkansko Ezikoznanie , No. 8, 1964, pp. 5-14.
  • L'importance des toponymes mycéniens pour lesproblemèmes de l'histoire de la langue grecque et l'ethnogenèse des Grecs 1 . In: Balkansko Ezikoznanie , 9/1, 1964, pp. 5-39.
  • For Dakischen . In: Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 3, 1965, pp. 101–5.
  • Le dace comme substrat de la langue roumaine . In: Revue roumaine de linguistique , 10, 1965, pp. 75-80.
  • What does the Pelasger theory represent? In: Lingua 16, 1966, pp. 263-73.
  • The problem of the union linguistique balkanique . In: Vladimir Georgiev (ed.): Lesproblemèmes fondamentaux de la linguistique balkanique. Report pour la séance plénière (1st Congrès international des études balkaniques et Sud-Est européennes, Sofia, 26. VIII - 1. IX 1966) . Publishing house of Bulgar. Akad. D. Wiss., Sofia 1966, pp. 5-21.
  • L'ethnogenèse de la peninsule balkanique d'après les données linguistiques . In: Vladimir Georgiev (ed.): L'ethnogenèse des peuples balkaniques. Symposium international sur l'ethnogenèse des peuples balkaniques, Plovdiv, 23-28 avril 1969 . Sofia 1971, pp. 155-170.
  • La thracologie: état actuel . In: Études balkaniques , 3, 1972, pp. 5-15.
  • Problems of the historical phonology of Albanian: the representation of the Indo-European gutterals and the sonant nasals . In: Hermann M. Ölberg (Hrsg.): Files from the international Albanological Colloquium, Innsbruck, 1972, in memory of Norbert Jokl . Institute for Linguistics at the University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck 1977, pp. 223–234.
  • Thracian and Dacian . In: Hildegard Temporini, Wolfgang Haase (Hrsgg.): Rise and decline of the Roman world. History and culture of Rome as reflected in recent research . Part II, Vol. 29. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1983, pp. 1148-94.
  • Thracian and Dacian namology . In: Hildegard Temporini, Wolfgang Haase (Hrsgg.): Rise and decline of the Roman world. History and culture of Rome as reflected in recent research . Part II, Vol. 29. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1983, pp. 1195-1213.

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