Wolfgang Hahn Prize Cologne

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The Wolfgang Hahn Prize Cologne (until 2006 Wolfgang Hahn Prize ) is an award that has been given annually by the Society for Modern Art at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne since 1994. The price with a total value of 100,000 euros includes the purchase of a work or a group of works, which is made available to the Museum Ludwig as a permanent loan , as well as a presentation and a publication.

The prize is named after the Cologne collector Wolfgang Hahn (1924–1987). Hahn was painting and chief restorer at the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum and the Museum Ludwig as well as a founding member and board member of the Society for Modern Art at the Museum Ludwig.

The prize is awarded annually in advance of the Art Cologne art fair in Cologne. Until 2006 this was the case in late October / early November. Since 2008 - due to the relocation of Art Cologne to spring 2007 - the award ceremony has taken place in April.

Award winners


  • Society for Modern Art at the Museum Ludwig Cologne eV (Ed.): 20 years of the Wolfgang Hahn Prize Cologne. Cologne 2014. (Bilingual booklet with photos for the presentation of acquired works in the Museum Ludwig from April 13 to October 5, 2014)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. art-in.de: Renaming of the Hahn Prize Cologne to http://www.art-in.de/incmeldung.php?id=1242 (accessed: June 2, 2008)
  2. ^ Awarded the Wolfgang Hahn Prize to Henrik Olesen
  3. ^ Wolfgang Hahn Prize 2013: Andrea Fraser. (No longer available online.) Cologne Museums, archived from the original on August 6, 2013 ; Retrieved March 9, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / mobil.museenkoeln.de
  4. Stefan Palm: 20th Wolfgang Hahn Prize goes to Kerry James Marshall. For the anniversary, Museum Ludwig presents the history of the award. City of Cologne - Office for Press and Public Relations, February 11, 2014, accessed on February 15, 2014 .