Wolfgang Ratz

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Wolfgang Ratz (born January 12, 1959 in Bilbao , Spain ) is an Austrian writer .


Wolfgang Ratz was born in Bilbao in the Basque Country. He spent his childhood in Vienna and completed a degree in translation for Spanish , English and French as well as painting and graphics at the Vienna University of Applied Arts . Today Ratz works as a freelance writer, literary translator, painter and songwriter in Vienna. He writes poetry, prose and literary critical reviews. Contributions in German and Spanish appeared in literary journals (e.g. Literarisches Österreich , Die Furche , Literaricum, Galicia Hoxe, Diario de Querétaro) and anthologies. In 1991 he received the 3rd prize for poetry from the PEN Club Liechtenstein , in 1996 a mención de honor at the literary prize of the trilingual Latin American culture magazine Xicóatl, in 2006 the 2nd prize at the International Poetry Competition - German, the Feile Filíochta Dublin .

Wolfgang Ratz is a member of the Graz Authors ' Assembly , a founding member of the ALA (Latin American Authors in Austria) and a former board member of the Austrian Writers' Association .


  • Hoja rota / Zerrissenes Blatt , poetry Spanish-German (with Javier Tafur), Cuadernos negros, Calarcá 2007
  • El idioma de las hormigas / The language of the ants , poetry Spanish-German, Verlag Vitrales de Alejandría, Caracas 2004, ISBN 980-6480-23-6
  • Poesía entre dos mundos: antología ALA , Lyrik (Ed.), Edition Doppelpunkt, Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-85273-177-1
  • Zimt und Metall , Lyrik, Verlag G. Grasl, Baden bei Wien 2002, ISBN 3-85098-259-9
  • 1492-no truth is also a clarity , play (performance by theater group CCC in Spanish), Vienna 1992

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