Wolfgang Reissenbusch

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Wolfgang Reissenbusch , also Wolfgang Reißenpusch and Wolfgang Reisenbusch (* around 1480 in Torgau ; † 1540 in Haus Lichtenbergk ) was a German humanist, legal scholar and theologian.


The son of Johannes Reissenbusch enrolled at the University of Leipzig in the summer semester of 1499 and switched to the University of Wittenberg in the foundation semester of 1502 , where he acquired the Baccalaureate in the artistic arts around Christmas of the same year . He was apparently a friend of Wolfgang Pollich , the son of the Wittenberg founding rector Martin Pollich , with whom he shared a common course of study. In the next few years he was found again as a baccalaureate who read lectures on institutions in the 1507 summer semester.

In 1508, on the recommendation of Christoph von Scheurl , he moved to the University of Bologna , where he received his doctorate in law on July 29, 1510 . Before October 8, 1510 he returned to Wittenberg, where he extraordinarily treated the titulus de actionibus in lectures on Sunday. So he found access to the law faculty and administered the rector's office of the Wittenberg University in the winter semester of 1511 . After the death of Antonier Preceptor Goswin von Orsoys , Reissenbusch resigned from the university's faculty in order to succeed in both offices.

Even if the office of Chancellor later lost its importance, Reissenbusch seems to have exercised it until his death. Because in 1533 he appeared as Chancellor of the Wittenberg University. Reissenbusch's humanistic outlook can be seen not only in dealing with Scheuerl and Wolfgang Pollich. In 1520 he left the Antonian monastery Haus Lichtenbergk in order not to meet the papal envoy Karl von Miltitz while negotiations with Luther were taking place. Nevertheless, under his leadership, the Antonier gentlemen from Prettina converted to the new confession.

Already named as electoral council in 1515 and verifiably used by elector Friedrich the Wise in a diplomatic mission in 1520 , it was also taken into the trust of Duke Johann Friedrich . In addition, after the dissolution of the Antonier Convention in 1525, he managed the former monastery building Lichtenbergk (near Prettin ) after it was handed over to the sovereign. For this he received an annual salary of 300 guilders from his elector. In 1535 he donated a chapter to the Wittenberg council so that a student of a Wittenberg citizen could receive 25 guilders a year.

In April 1525 he married the daughter of a tailor in Torgau, named Anna Herzog, after Martin Luther had approved of his marriage plans in an open letter. Johannes Bugenhagen dedicated his book On the Marital Status of Bishops and Deacons (Wittenberg 1525) to him for his marriage .

Reissenbusch's daughter married Heinrich Schneidewein, a lawyer from Wittenberg.


  • Karl Pallas: Documents concerning the Allerheiligenstift zu Wittenberg, 1522 to 1526, from the estate of N. Müller, I. in: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte (ARG) Vol. 12, 1915,
  • Karl Pallas: The registries of the church visits in the former Saxon spa district. 3 part, hall 1908, p. 12, 72 and 282
  • Gustav C. Knod: German Students in Bologna (1289-1562) Biographical index to the Acta natiois Germanicae universitatis Bononiensis. Publishing house R. v. Decker, G. Schenck, 1899