Wolfgang Scharenberg

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Wolfgang Scharenberg

Wolfgang Scharenberg (born April 15, 1883 in Neubrandenburg ; † January 3, 1969 in Bad Kleinen ; full name: Wolfgang Carl Otto Theodor Scharenberg ) was a German administrative officer as well as a lawyer and notary.


Scharenberg was born on April 15, 1883 as the son of the Neubrandenburg District Court Councilor Fritz Scharenberg (1846-1916). After graduating from high school in Neubrandenburg in 1902, Scharenberg studied law in Halle, Munich , Kiel, Freiburg, Berlin and Rostock . After completing his studies, Scharenberg worked as a lawyer and notary in Ribnitz from 1912 to 1914 , before serving in the First World War until 1918 .

Scharenberg joined the German Democratic Party (DDP) in 1918 . In his position as official captain , in which he in October 1920 with the support of the SPD was elected, he learned directly with what injustice the Mecklenburg knighthood was going against the farm workers and small farmers. From the mid-1920s, the “courtship system” experienced its resurrection. Accordingly, the wife of a day laborer was obliged by supplementary agreements to the collective agreement to work five days a week or to provide a replacement.

In 1925, several farm worker families at Gut Melkhof were unlawfully dismissed because their wives had not shown up for work, although there was no collective obligation here. When the families stopped working, Prime Minister von Brandenstein demanded the use of technical emergency aid from Scharenberg. Scharenberg refused, however, whereupon Brandenstein himself commanded the operation.

In the same year, Scharenberg drew the anger of the German National People's Party (DNVP) and German People's Party (DVP), which are dominated by landowners and entrepreneurs, over the construction of a children's home, which he had initiated.

In 1926, with the help of mass leaflets, these parties drove his voting out. After this was done, Wolfgang Scharenberg wrote a memorandum with the title "The Sins of the Mecklenburg Knighthood", which appeared on May 19, 1926. Due to the explosive nature of the script, Scharenberg was forced to self-publish and distribute his work. In May 1926 he worked as a lawyer and notary in Bad Kleinen and lived in the “Waldesruh” villa until his death. In response to the global economic crisis that began in 1929, Scharenberg published the work “Back to the Scholle. From the allotment garden to the garden city / A path to a mass settlement ”. His idea was to bind people to the land and the garden.

With the liberation by the Allies, Scharenberg initially took over the office of mayor in Bad Kleinen on May 30, 1945. He held this post until the end of August 1945 under the Soviet occupation. Scharenberg also joined the KPD and took an active part in the implementation of the democratic land reform . On December 23, 1945, Scharenberg and other activists received the certificate of honor for their participation in the reform. After Scharenberg was released from his position as mayor, he was required to live outside the town, which he did not comply with. Scharenberg then worked as a lawyer in Schwerin and in 1946 as a lecturer at the Volksrichterschule Schwerin. From April 1, 1946, he was the first chairman of the regional labor court (LAG) for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In June 1950, there was a break with the SED , because Scharenberg opposed their demand that a labor court should never judge decisions of the public administrations. Thereupon Wolfgang Scharenberg was deleted from the list of members and lost his office.

After this time Scharenberg worked again as a lawyer and notary in Bad Kleinen, where he died on January 3, 1969.

After his first marriage to Agnes (Nonny) Warnecke in 1914, Scharenberg married Hedwig Rohwedder born in 1925. Waak (1894–1986), a daughter of Hermann Preysing (1866–1926).


  • The sins of the Mecklenburg knighthood. Self-published, Hagenow 1926. (Reprint: BS-Verlag Rostock, Rostock 2009, ISBN 978-3-86785-079-7 )
  • Back to the clod. From allotment garden to garden state. The reputation [J. Walinski], Berlin 1931, OCLC 72087270 .
  • It is enough if boys can write . In: Mecklenburg-Magazin. Regional supplement of the Schweriner Volkszeitung and the North German Latest News . No. 18 . Landesverlag und Druckgesellschaft, Schwerin, S. 7 ([1990]).
  • Family Christmas in the house of the District Court Councilor Friedrich Scharenberg in Neubrandenburg and with the relatives in Neustrelitz around 1890/1900 . In: Schimmelreiter, Knapperdachs and Santa Claus. Christmas customs in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania . Hinstorff, Rostock 1998, ISBN 3-356-00782-3 , p. 155-157 .
  • Scharenberg / A Confession . In: The deed . tape 16 , no. 1-6 , 1925, pp. 205-210 .


  • Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania? Bremen 1995, ISBN 3-86108-282-9 , p. 373.
  • Ingeborg Blank: 40 years of democratic land reform - certificate of honor also for a former governor. In: Schweriner Blätter. Contributions to the local history of the Schwerin district. No. 5, 1985, pp. 66-72.
  • Kurt Redmer: "All plans have almost completely failed". Wolfgang Scharenberg (1883–1969) - campaigner for justice. In: Mecklenburg-Magazin. Regional supplement of the Schweriner Volkszeitung and the North German Latest News. No. 50, 1998, p. 21.
  • Jochen Brinker: Chronicle of the place Bad Kleinen. cw Obotrite pressure , Schwerin 2008, OCLC 554026864 .
  • Stefan Breuer, Ina Schmidt: Die Kommenden: a magazine of the Bündische Jugend (1926-1933). Wochenschau Verlag, 2009, ISBN 978-3-89974-529-0 , p. 402 f.
  • Julian Lubini: The administrative jurisdiction in the countries of the Soviet Zone / GDR 1945–1952 . Mohr Siebeck, 2015, ISBN 978-3-16-153526-0 , p. 225 f. ( Digitized version )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Official directory of the staff of teachers, civil servants and students at the royal Bavarian Ludwig Maximilians University . Winter semester 1904/05. Kgl. Hof- und Universitäts-Buchdruckerei Wolf & Sohn, Munich 1904, p. 106 ( digital copy [PDF]).