Wolfgang Schedl

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Wolfgang D. Schedl (born July 5, 1935 in Munich ) is an Austrian entomologist .

Live and act

Wolfgang Schedl was born in Munich in 1935 as the son of Herta and Karl E. Schedl . After attending grammar school in Lienz , East Tyrol, he studied natural history and geography (teaching post), zoology and botany at the University of Vienna . He graduated in 1960 as a Mag. Rer. nat. and received his doctorate in 1963 with a thesis on the biology of xylomycetophage bark beetles with Wilhelm Kühnelt (1905–1988).

Wolfgang Schedl worked for two years at the Federal Forest Research Institute in Vienna . He later moved to Innsbruck and in 1965 became an assistant at the university's institute for zoology . In 1976 he completed his habilitation there under Heinz Janetschek (1913–1997) and in 1992 he was appointed associate professor.

His main research areas are the plant wasps and the singing cicadas . He also published articles on ecological field methods, phyto-entomology , flower ecology , animal geography and other insect taxa.

Fonts (selection)

  • Hymenoptera, subordination Symphyta: plant wasps , Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2016, ISBN 978-3-11-085790-0 .
  • Contribution to the biology of xylomycetophagous scolytids (Coleoptera) with special consideration of the organs of transmission . Vienna 1963 - Dissertation
  • Studies on plant wasps (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) in the subalpine to alpine level of the central Ötztal Alps (Tyrol, Austria) . In: Publication of the University of Innsbruck. Alpine biological studies . Volume 8, pp. 1-88, 1976
  • Hymenoptera: suborder Symphyta - plant wasps . In: Handbuch der Zoologie, Insecta Teilband (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) . Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, Volume 4, Part 31, pp. 1–132, 1991



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