Wolfgang Schrade

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Wolfgang Schrade (born March 2, 1924 in Hirschberg in the Riesengebirge , † May 6, 2010 ) was a German naval officer , most recently a flotilla admiral of the German Navy .


Schrade entered the Navy in 1942 after graduating from high school and was trained as a naval officer. After his training he was transferred to the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen as a lieutenant at sea , on which he remained until the end of the Second World War .

After a short period as a prisoner of war , he settled in Wilhelmshaven and learned the profession of radio and television specialist , in which he passed a journeyman's, master's and commercial examinations. From 1951 he ran his own business in the Fedderwardergroden district . He was also a specialist teacher for radio and television technology at the trade school in Wilhelmshaven.

In January 1958, Schrade joined the German Navy as a first lieutenant at sea . He served in various functions on board, including a. as commander of the speedboat Geier, at schools, in the Federal Ministry of Defense and at the end of his career as admiral naval training in the naval office in Wilhelmshaven. On March 31, 1984, he retired as a flotilla admiral.

He then remained loyal to his adopted home Wilhelmshaven and participated as a co-author of the Wilhelmshavener Heimatlexikon published in 1986 by the Wilhelmshavener Zeitung , in which he worked on the subject areas of marine and geophysics .

Schrade last lived in Hooksiel . He died on May 6, 2010 at the age of 86 and was buried in Pakens on May 12, 2010 .



  • Werner Brune (Ed.): Wilhelmshavener Heimatlexikon, Volume 1–3 . Brune, Wilhelmshaven 1986-1987; Vol. 3 p. 571.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelmshavener Zeitung of May 8, 2010.