Wolfram Knauer

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Wolfram Knauer (* 1958 in Kiel ) is a German musicologist, jazz researcher and director of the Darmstadt Jazz Institute .


Knauer studied musicology, English and American studies, art history and sociology at the University of Kiel . He received his doctorate there in 1989 on Between Bebop and Free Jazz - Composition and Improvisation by the Modern Jazz Quartet (published by Schott 1990). Since it was founded in 1990, he has been director of the Darmstadt Jazz Institute, which he expanded - based on the collection of Joachim Ernst Berendt - into an internationally renowned center for jazz research . He regularly organizes the Darmstadt Jazz Forum , the results of which are published in the Darmstadt Articles on Jazz Research (Vol. 1 was published in 1990 by Ekkehard Jost ), the Darmstadt Jazz Talks and the Darmstadt Jazz Conceptions .

Knauer has also made radio reports and is on the advisory board of the New Grove Dictionary of Jazz (edited by Barry Kernfeld , 2003 Oxford University Press), specifically on European jazz. He also contributed to the International Dictionary of Black Composers (Ed. Sam Floyd, published in 1999 by Fitzroy Dearborn). At the Jazz Institute he also publishes bibliographies on jazz musicians in the Jazz Index . He taught at several universities, from 1992 to 2000 at the University of Mainz ; In 2008 Knauer was the first non-American Louis Armstrong Professor of Jazz Studies at Columbia University in New York. Together with Cord Meijering and Thomas Schäfer, he is one of the three hosts of the Darmstadt Music Talks (since 2010) and co-initiator of the Mainz Jazz Talks (since 2015).

Until 2012 Knauer was chairman of the music advisory board of the Goethe Institute , to which he has been a member since 2005. From 2014 to 2020 he was one of the speakers for the Federal Jazz Conference .


Works (selection)

As an author

  • Simulated improvisation in Duke Ellington's Black, Brown & Beige , in: The Black Perspective in Music , 18 / 1-2 (1990), ISSN  0090-7790 , pp. 21-38.
  • Paris blues. Jazz in Paris in the post-war period , in: Bernd Wilczek (Ed.): Paris 1944–1962. Poets and thinkers on the street , Buehl 1994, ISBN 978-3-89151-301-9 , pp. 178-201.
  • Musicology and Jazz , in: Sabine Ehrmann-Herfort (Ed.): Musicology and professional practice , Darmstadt 1996, ISBN 978-3-534-12621-7 , pp. 46–57.
  • The jazz press between commerce, information and discussion , in: Gerhard Eder, Wolfgang Gratzer & Alfred Smudits (eds.): Jazz, New Music and Media , Saalfelden 1996, pp. 116–118.
  • Jazz , in: Ludwig Finscher (Hrsg.): The music in history and present , subject part Volume 4, Kassel 1996, ISBN 978-3-7618-1105-4 , pp. 1384-1421.
  • Emancipation from what. On the relationship between American and German jazz in the 50s and 60s , in: Annette Kreutziger-Herr & Manfred Strack (eds.): From the New World. Forays through 20th century American music , Hamburg 1997, ISBN 3-8258-3269-4 , pp. 299–312.
  • Jazz in concert , in: Gerhard Eder & Wolfgang Gratzer (eds.): Der Trend zum Event , Saalfelden 1998, pp. 64–69.
  • The Music Goes 'Round and' Round (and it comes out ... HERE). Notes on the relationship between records and jazz , in: Harald Justin & Nils Plath (eds.): Tonabnehmer. Popular music in use , Münster 1998, ISBN 978-3-89126-057-9 , pp. 129-143.
  • Black Beauty, Black Power. Tradition and revolution in the music of John Coltrane , in: Bernd Hoffmann & Helmut Rösing (Eds.): ... And jazz does not last. Aspects of Afro-American Music , Karben 1998, ISBN 978-3-00-003272-1 , pp. 309-332.
  • Tasks and possibilities of musical transcription in jazz research , in: Hermann Danuser & Tobias Plebuch (eds.): Music as text. Report on the International Congress of the Society for Music Research, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993 , Vol. II, Kassel 1998, ISBN 978-3-7618-1403-1 , pp. 49-54.
  • The analyst blues. Comments on the development and dilemma of jazz analysis from the 1930s to today , in: Jazzforschung / jazz research , # 31 (1999), ISBN 978-3-201-01733-6 , pp. 27–42.
  • Heavenly Music and herds of elephants. The church organ and jazz , in: Kirchenmusikalische Nachrichten , 50/4 (Oct / Dec.1999), ISSN  0939-4761 , pp. 4–12.
  • Contributions in: Samuel A. Floyd (Ed.): International Dictionary of Black Composers. Fitzroy Dearborn Publ., Chicago 1999, ISBN 1-884964-27-3 (2 volumes) [Articles on John Lewis, Jelly Roll Morton, Cecil Taylor].
  • Where from - where. Some thoughts on the development of jazz in the 20th century , in: Jean-Pierre Reinle (Ed.): "Your Own Voice". A kaleidoscope of improvised music , Zurich 2001, ISBN 978-3-0340-0507-4 , pp. 19–30.
  • Medieval blues. On projects with jazz and medieval music , in: Wolfgang Gratzer & Hartmut Möller (Eds.): Translated time. The Middle Ages and Contemporary Music , Hofheim 2001, ISBN 978-3-923997-92-3 , pp. 291-307.
  • About being, nothing, bananas and cowboy hats. How the existentialists imagined jazz and how jazz became fashionable in Paris , in: Oliver Brüchert & Christine Resch (eds.): Between rule and liberation. Cultural, political and scientific strategies (Festschrift Heinz Steinert for his 60th birthday), Münster 2002, ISBN 3-89691-521-5 , pp. 244-259.
  • Jazz, GI's and German Fräuleins. Some comments on the German-American relationship in musical post-war Germany , in: Thomas Phlebs & Bernd Hoffmann & Franz Kerschbaumer & Franz Krieger (eds.): Festschrift for Ekkehard Jost on his 65th birthday , Graz 2002/2003 (= Jazzforschung / jazz research , # 34, 2002), ISBN 3-201-01795-7 , pp. 77-88.
  • Charles Mingus. Jazz Composition after Ellington , in: Musica Oggi , # 22 (2002), pp. 9-23.
  • The different sides of myself. Intercultural aspects in the musical work of Peter Kowald , in: Institute for New Music and Music Education Darmstadt (Ed.): Welt @ musik. Highlights, departure - upheaval, times - spaces, models, proximity - distance , Mainz 2004, ISBN 978-3-7957-1834-3 , pp. 257-269.
  • Contributions in: Wolfgang Sandner (Ed.): Jazz. Handbook of Music in the 20th Century , Laaber 2005, ISBN 978-3-89007-429-0 , pp. 11-77 (chapter "Jazz. Historical overview", chapter "The jazz analysis")
  • Contributions in: Jazz classics . 2 vols. Edited by Peter Niklas Wilson . Reclam, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-15-030030-4 (essays on Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Benny Carter, Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, Lionel Hampton, Fletcher Henderson, Earl Hines, Modern Jazz Quartet, Jelly Roll Morton, Benny Moten , Oscar Peterson, Art Tatum, Jack Teagarden, Mary Lou Williams, each with selected listening recommendations and references).
  • Parker's mood. Genesis of a Blues Improvisation , in: Musica Oggi (Milan), 24 (2005/2006), pp. 65–90.
  • Expatriate Musicians in Europe , in: Karen A. Chandler & Jack McCray (Eds.): Return to the Source. Charleston. A Cradle of Jazz , Charleston 2006, pp. 63-73.
  • Defending the drawer. On the jazz musician's fear of categorizing thinking , in: Ingrid Karl & Bernhard Kraller (eds.): Atpyical Jazz - 25 Years of the Wiener Musik Galerie , Vienna 2007, pp. 161–165.
  • Parker's mood. Genesis of a blues improvisation , in: Ole Kongsted & Niels Krabbe & Michael Kube & Morten Michelsen (eds.): A due. Musical Essays in Honor of John D. Bergsagel & Heinrich W. Schwab , Copenhagen 2008, ISBN 978-87-635-0925-1 , pp. 322-345.
  • Joachim Ernst Berendt. A Personal Reflection upon His Importance to Jazz in Germany , in: Andrew Hurley: The Return of Jazz. Joachim-Ernst Berendt and West German cultural change , New York 2009, ISBN 978-1-84545-566-8 , pp. 233-237.
  • Free! Music! Production! , in: Jost Gebers (Ed.): FMP. In retrospect - In Retrospect. 1969-2010 , Berlin / Wuppertal 2010, pp. 17-23.
  • Contributions in: Helga de LaMotte-Haber (Ed.): Documents on the Music of the 20th Century, Vol. 2. Laaber Verlag, Laaber 2011, ISBN 978-3-89007-756-7 (= Handbook on the Music of the 20th Century ; Vol. 14).
  • The Different Sides of Myself. Intercultural aspects in the musical creation of Peter Kowald , in: Judith Schmidt, Sandra Keßler, Michael Simon (eds.): Interkulturalität und everyday , Münster 2012, ISBN 978-3-8309-2684-9 , pp. 115–127.
  • I allow everyday life to play the piano , in: Erik van den Berg (Ed.): Worp en neitherworp. 26 interviews with Misha Mengelberg , Amsterdam 2015, ISBN 978-90-79020-30-0 , pp. 114–122.
  • Do You Know What It Means ... The Myth Called New Orleans in Jazz History, its Origin and its Influence on Jazz up to the Present Day , in: Ottmar Ette & Gesine Müller (Eds.): New Orleans and the Global South. Caribbean, Creolization, Carnival , Hildesheim 2017, ISBN 978-3-487-15504-3 , pp. 201-218.
  • “Red, White and Blue” or Black, Brown and Beige? On the relationship between jazz and politics in the USA in the 20th century , in: Andreas Linsenmann & Thorsten Hindrichs (eds.): Hobsbawm, Newton and Jazz. On the relationship between music and historiography , Paderborn 2016, ISBN 978-3-506-78295-3 , pp. 51–75.
  • Then we play what you conduct! An overview of the tradition of composition and conducting in jazz with a few specific questions for the conductors and composers Dieter Glawischnig and Mathias Rüegg , in: Alexander Drčar & Wolfgang Gratzer (Eds.): Composing & Conducting. Dual talents as a topic in the history of interpretation , Freiburg 2017, ISBN 978-3-7930-9861-4 , pp. 257–286.
  • What could be more political than creating utopia? Jazz as a musical practice of the present , in: Musik & Ästhetik , 22/76 (Apr. 2018), ISSN: 1432-9425 , pp. 80–84
  • New Orleans, the "Creole Concept", and Jazz , in: Nicholas Gebhardt & Nichole Rustin-Paschal & Tony Whyton (Eds.): The Routledge Companion to Jazz Studies , New York 2019, ISBN 978-1-138-23116-0 , Pp. 241-250
  • 1968 - Bremen - Brötzmann. A reflection on the unintentionally revolutionary nature of a jazz album , in: Martin Pfleiderer & Wolf-Georg Zaddach (eds.): Jazz research today. Topics, methods, perspectives , Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-9817865-3-8 , pp. 79-102

As editor

Web links