Wulf Isebrand

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Statue of Wulf Isebrand in Albersdorf

Wulf Isebrand (* probably around 1465 - 1480 in Dithmarschen ; † 1506 probably there) fought in 1500 in the battle of Hemmingstedt , where the Dithmarschers defeated a Danish - Holstein army . During the battle he took over the leadership of a department and played a decisive role in the Dithmarscher victory. To this day he is the folk hero of Dithmarschen.

For a long time, Isebrand was believed to have come from the border region of what is now Germany's and the Netherlands' states . However, this assumption is based on the Black Guard who were defeated at the Battle of Hemmingstedt . This was mainly recruited from said region and wanted to express that only one of their own could defeat them.

The exact origin of Isebrand in Dithmarschen is not known. The first known mention is from the year 1499 in the Otterndorf dispute between the Dithmarscher and the Hamburgers : There he is named as a victim in the Heider contingent. He was probably born between 1465 and 1480. He died in 1506 according to the chronicle of the country Dithmarschen, Neocorus (Volume II, pages 461 and 467, Dahlmann's translation from 1827. The chronicler Henning Swyn from Lunden and the chronicler Hans Detleff tho Windtbergen are cited here. The latter is the first to name (around 1640) the Isebrand with his first name "Wulf").


In Heide , an air force barracks and a square in the city center near the city bridge are named after him; in Albersdorf the primary school, in Brunsbüttel , Epenwöhrden , Marne (Holstein) , Wesselburen and in Hemmingstedt a street. In addition, one of the navigation vessels of the Tönning Waterways and Shipping Office bears his name.

There is a war nailing from Isebrand in the Dithmarscher Landesmuseum .

Web links

Commons : Wulf Isebrand  - Collection of images, videos and audio files