Yazid Benfeghoul

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Yazid Benfeghoul (* 1976 ) is a German film producer , actor and publisher in the field of splatter film / gore .

Yazid Benfeghoul published the Fanzine Gory News from 1994 , which revolved around splatter, horror and zombie films. At the end of the 1990s, the first film productions and engagements as an actor began, and later he often worked with the director Olaf Ittenbach . Yazid Benfeghoul has been presenting the Splatterday Night Fever cinema evening in Saarbrücken since 1999 . In 2000 he founded the video library Tape-o-Mania in St. Ingbert together with Ricky Goldberg . In 2007, Gory News became the film magazine Deadline . Yazid Benfeghoul is producing the film Sky Sharks as a crowdfunding project.

Filmography (selection)

as a film producer

as an actor

Web links