Yuna's haunted house

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Yuna's haunted house
Original title ゆ ら ぎ 荘 の 幽 奈 さ ん
transcription Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san
genre Romantic comedy , Etchi
country JapanJapan Japan
author Tadahiro Miura
publishing company Shūeisha
magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump
First publication February 8, 2016 - June 8, 2020
expenditure 22nd
Original video animation
Country of production JapanJapan Japan
original language Japanese
year 2018
Studio Xebec
Episodes 3
Director Tsuyoshi Nagasawa
script Hideaki Koyasu
music Kikuya Tomoki
Anime television series
Country of production JapanJapan Japan
original language Japanese
year 2018
Studio Xebec
length 25 minutes
Episodes 12
Director Tsuyoshi Nagasawa
music Kikuya Tomoki
First broadcast July 14th - September 29th 2018 on Tokyo MX , Tochigi TV , Gunma TV , BS11

First publication in German
July 14th - September 29th 2018 on Wakanim

Yuna's Haunted House ( Japanese ゆらぎ荘の幽奈さん Yuragi-sō no Yuna-san ) is a Shonen - Manga series of Tadahiro Miura , which has been published since 2016th An adaptation as an anime television series has been running since July 2018, including in German-speaking countries.


Since childhood, Kogarashi Fuyuzora has had the weakness of being easily possessed by ghosts. After the ghost of a day trader took possession of him, plunging him into debt and poverty, he became homeless and apprenticed to a powerful medium with the aim of destroying evil spirits and getting his normal life back. When he saves a man, he offers him to live in his haunted pension , so the rent is extremely low, with the option of living rent-free if he eliminates the ghost. Kogarashi agrees, but it turns out that the ghost ( Yūrei ) is a pretty girl named Yūna Yunohana and since his way of casting out ghosts is to eliminate them with a targeted punch, he quickly drops this plan. Yūna is also unexpectedly sociable and makes friends with him quickly, as he is one of the few people she can see. When he moves into his new room, he finds out that the allegedly empty room is Yūna's, so that from now on he will live with her.

But the other residents of the pension are also unusual: the caretaker Chitose Nakai is a Zashiki Warashi (good house goblin), Nonko Arahabaki an oni (demon), Sagiri Ameno a ninja who fights ghosts, and Yaya Fushiguro is possessed by a nekogami (cat god) . Later other roommates join him like Sagiri's sister Hibari, Oboro as a descendant of a dragon and other girls who feel drawn to him because of his helpfulness like his classmate Chisaki Miyazaki or the Dai-Tengu Karura Hiogi.


Kogarashi Fuyuzora ( 冬 空 コ ガ ラ シ , Fuyuzora Kogarashi )
Kogarashi is the 15-, then 16-year-old protagonist of the work. It has a problem that it can be easily possessed by the spirits of the dead. One of them was an unsuccessful punter who plunged Kogarashi into deep debt that he now has to roam the country doing odd jobs to pay off. One of these brought him to the Yuragi-sō with the order to exorcise Yūna, which he refrained from after he got to know her and whose cheap rent brought him to settle here, moving into Yūna's room, as this has not yet been technically done by any is inhabited. His permanent residence finally gives him the opportunity to go to school again, but he still works two to three part-time jobs. Nevertheless, he is always there when help is needed, which impresses the other residents, as well as the skills he has learned through various occupations. a. obsessed with a master chef, table tennis trainer, draftsman, mountaineer, magician, professional figure skater, who all fanatically forced him to master these skills. Above all, however, he was possessed by a powerful exorcist, who in turn came from the lineage of the extinct family Yatahagane ( 八 咫 鋼 ), alongside the Yoinozaka ( 宵 ノ 坂 ) and Tenko ( 天 狐 ) one of the three most powerful families in the spiritual world, which makes him an almost invincible fighter in terms of physical combat. However, he is very susceptible to transformation magic. Because of his diverse skills, helpfulness and understanding nature, at least four girls have fallen in love with him.
Yūna Yunohana ( 湯 ノ 花 幽 奈 , Yunohana Yūna )
Yūna lives with Kogarashi in room 204 is a Yūrei (ghost) of a deceased 16-year-old girl. She has long white hair and red eyes, as well as a friendly, honest and attentive disposition. Yūna cannot remember her previous life and she got her name from Nakai, where Yunohana means "flower of the hot spring" and Yūna contains the character for spirit. As a ghost it cannot be seen by normal people and in photos it only appears as a creepy shadowy appearance. However, due to her long time as a ghost, she can interact with the physical world i.e. H. Touching and moving things, but can also penetrate things at will. Although she is a stationary spirit ( jibakurei ), she can move freely, but when she falls asleep she automatically returns to the Yuragi-sō. However, their entire being is also inexplicable for others, since usually only the deceased with a deep regret about something unfinished become a spirit and after as long as they actually become a spirit of revenge ( ikiryō ). It is only known that she was in a wheelchair while she was alive. Later, with Koyuzu's transfiguration magic, she occasionally gains the possibility of a physical body for a short time. She befriends Chisaki, and since she cannot see her, she communicates with her using a writing pad. Both and Hibari have confided in love to Kogarashi and vowed to remain best friends despite their rivalry. She herself accidentally confessed her love to Kogarashi on Valentine's Day.
Chitose Nakai ( 仲 居 ち と せ , Nakai Chitose )
Chitose is about 1000 years old ( chitose means “1000 years” in other words) Zashiki Warashi (good house goblin), who therefore looks like a 13-year-old girl with a pagan cut despite her age - a figure that they have all their lives becomes. She works in the Yuragi-sō as a landlady ( nakai ) and generally takes care of the food and needs of the residents. She has the ability to manipulate the happiness of others, for example to give someone great luck or bad luck. However, at some point later this always causes a reverse reaction.
Nonko Arahabaki ( 荒 覇 吐 呑 子 , Arahabaki Nonko )
Nonko lives in room 201 and is a 23-year-old Oni (demon) who is characterized by great physical strength, which is also indicated by her violent-sounding family name. However, she has a cheerful and optimistic character. Nonko has a mark on its forehead that becomes a horn when it takes on its oni form. She becomes stronger the more she is drunk - nonko means something like "drinker". However, she indulges so extensively to alcohol, but still manages to work as a successful illustrator of Shōjo-Manga . One of her ancestors was the legendary demon Shuten-dōji and she is actually a member of the Yoinozaka, one of the three great houses of the Japanese monster world. She sees Kogarashi as a kind of cute little brother and occasionally signs him up as her drawing assistant.
Sagiri Ameno ( 雨 野 狭 霧 , Ameno Sagiri )
Sagiri lives in room 202 and is a 16-year-old ninja, which is also indicated by her first name, which means "thick fog" - Ame-no-sagiri is also a kami of the fog of Japanese mythology . She belongs to the group of Chūma Ningun ( 誅 魔 忍 軍 ) a village of ninja, which has dedicated itself to the exorcism of evil spirits and demons, whereby she is one of the most talented. With her long black hair, her comparatively tall height of 1.63 m, her good figure and her dignified appearance, she and Chisaki are one of the two prettiest girls in school. She is rather serious, reserved and purely focused on her tasks, so that she has no experience with things that are normal for girls of her age. Therefore, she was initially rather negative towards Kogarashi, but slowly thawed for him and after he often helped her with her missions, she begins to develop feelings for him, even if she is not really able to classify them.
Yaya Fushiguro ( 伏 黒 夜 々 , Fushiguro Yaya )
Yaya lives in room 203 and is possessed by a nekogami (cat god) named Shiratama ( シ ラ タ マ ), and both of them have a close friendly relationship. She usually wears a hoodie with a cat-ear hood. Since she is obsessed with him, she has cat ears and a cat tail, which normal people cannot see. Yaya also exhibits cat-like behavior - she often sleeps, preferably in high, sunny places, and cannot resist fish. This is not necessarily due to the fact that she harbors a cat god, but Shiratama chose her precisely because of her strong affinity for cats. She shows little emotion and is more straightforward. She quickly made friends with Kogarashi after he cooked her delicious fish. She has the ability to transform into a cyan cat.
Chisaki Miyazaki ( 宮 崎 千 紗 希 , Miyazaki Chisaki )
Chisaki is a classmate of Kogarashi. She is attractive and is often approached by model scouts, is fashionable, can cook well, always friendly and helpful and is therefore considered the perfect girl. However, she is always on guard against men, as her mother taught her that all men are wolves. After a bumpy start, she quickly considers Kogarashi a good friend after he helped her with her poltergeist (koyuzu) problem, and eventually falls in love with Kogarashi over time. She also befriends quickly, especially with Yuna and Koyuzu, but also with the other girls in the Yuragi-sō.
Koyuzu Shigaraki ( 信 楽 こ ゆ ず , Shigaraki Koyuzu )
Koyuzu is a Bakedanuki girl ( raccoon dog with spiritual powers) about 11 years old . With their species it is customary to learn to transform themselves into humans at the age of five with the help of special leaves, and by the age of 10 one must be able to survive alone in the human world. However, Koyuzu is bad at disguising himself as a person so that one can still see ears and tail. Koyuzu is obsessed with large breasts and when she saw Chisaki one day, whom she therefore sees as the ideal woman, she followed her home. She moves in with Nakai, but often spends time with Chisaki to perfect her transmutation magic. In the course of time, she learns to conjure up a body for Yuna for a short time, although the preparations for this are very complex and therefore only used occasionally.
Oboro Shintō ( 神刀 朧 , Shintō Oboro )
Oboro wears short, white hair, a tsuba (sword guard ) as an eye patch, and also traditional men's clothing such as a hakama , which gives her an androgynous appearance. In fact, she comes from the tail of the former Black Dragon God ( 黒 龍神 ) - the character for Oboro contains the character for dragon - and is therefore the older half-sister of the current leader of the dragon clan Genshirō Ryūga ( 龍 雅 玄 士 郎 ), as whose bodyguard she acts. To do this, she can transform her hands into god swords ( shintō ). When Genshirō Yūna kidnaps her to take her as a wife and is defeated by Kogarashi, she decides to want his children and moves into room 205. Since she was raised as a warrior, she is very direct and constantly tries to seduce Kogarashi in a subtle way, in which she undresses in front of him at every opportunity, whereby her superhuman speed also helps her. She regards Chisaki, who is so completely the opposite of her as a typical girl, as a teacher ( 師 匠 shishō ) in love affairs. Since the Dragon Clan lives in the seclusion of an underground cave, many modern things are unfamiliar to them.
Hibari Ameno ( 雨 野 雲雀 , Ameno Hibari )
Hibari is Sagiri's same age cousin, lives in room 206 and is also a ninja. However, she is exactly the opposite of Sagiri with her very young appearance - and her childlike expression of using her own name instead of "I" -, her cheerful nature and her clumsiness. She therefore emulated Sagiri from an early age. After Karura, Hibari is the first to confess her love to Kogarashi.
Karura Hiōgi ( 緋 扇 か る ら , Hiōgi Karura )
Karura has long red hair and golden eyes. As her first name suggests - Karura is the Japanese pronunciation of the Garuda who served as a model for the Tengu - she is a Dai-Tengu and daughter of the Tengu chief of Kyoto , where she de facto ruled the Tengu in the absence of her father and exercise the spiritual world of Kyoto. As a Tengu she can fly, teleport and as a genius has rediscovered the lost technique of mind reading. Two years ago, the Yoinozaka and Tenko fought against each other to rule over the spiritual world, at the very same place where Kogarashi's school trip took place. When she saw how he single-handedly inflicted such damage on both sides that the battle had to be called off, Karura was so impressed that she fell in love with him. When she finds him again and sees him living together with other girls in the same roof, she decides to kidnap Kogarashi and use a kind of brainwash to force him into marriage, but is prevented from doing so by the residents of the Yuragi-sō. She is the first to confess her love to Kogarashi, which he refuses, pointing out that the two of them would not really know each other, so she decides to take it a little slower and starts working with him in a restaurant.
Matora Mikogami ( 巳 虎 神 マ ト ラ , Mikogama Matora )
Matora is a nue ( chimera ), indicated by her last name, which means "snake-tiger-god", and Karura's best friend, whom she respectfully calls "princess" ( ohiisan ). She is tall, tanned and the strongest fighter of the Tengu of Kyoto, so she can easily take on Sagiri and Hibari. However, when she was beaten by Nonko, she takes this as her role model. Keen to train with Nonko, she often assists her in drawing.
Harumu Yumesaki ( 夢 咲 春夢 , Yumesaki Yumesaki )
Harumu Yumesaki is Kogarashi's and Chisaki's class teacher. She is 25 years old, but looks a lot younger and is only 1.60 m tall. Their most noticeable feature is that their hair covers their eyes. The reason for this is that she is a semi- succubus - her name also refers to it with the double use of the character for dream - and when eye contact with men they are influenced by it, e.g. B. fall in love with them, behave improperly or perceive the opposite sex without clothes.
Shion Todoroki ( 轟 紫 音 , Todoroki Shion )
Shion is a classmate of Yaya's and was the 13th head of the girls' gang operating there at middle school. So at first she looks like a stereotypical Japanese delinquent with a face mask and an over-long pompadour. When she arrives at Kogarashi's high school and recognizes her predecessor Seri, who now looks like a normal girl with the help of her friend Chisaki, she also asks Chisaki to give her a fashionable makeover. Out of gratitude, she decides to bring Chisaki together with Kogarashi.


The work by Tadahiro Miura has been published in Shūeisha's manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump since February 8, 2016 (issue 10/2016) . The individual chapters have been summarized in 17 anthologies ( Tankōbon ) so far . By November 2017, the volumes had sold 1.5 million times.

In the USA, the series was licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment , which they intend to publish as Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs as one of the first series under their new imprint for works for older readers, Ghost Ship, from May 2018. The work is to be published in French by Pika Édition . In Germany, the series by Kazé Manga under the title Yuna's Geisterhaus has been published in fifteen volumes since April 4, 2018.


In November 2017, it was announced that Manga would receive an anime adaptation. The series is animated by Studio Xebec , directed by Tsuyoshi Nagasawa and the character design by Kyōko Taketani. The series has been broadcast for the first time in Japan on July 14, 2018 on Tokyo MX , Tochigi TV , Gunma TV , BS11 , as well as on KBS Kyōto , Sun Television , Gifu Hōsō , Mie TV and AT-X with an offset of up to three days .

In German-speaking countries the series is streamed as a simulcast by Wakanim under the title Yunas Geisterhaus , in English-speaking countries by Crunchyroll as Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs .

In addition, the limited version of the 11th manga volume, which will be released on July 4, 2018, is to be accompanied by a Blu-ray with an anime episode that filmed Chapter 12.

Kazé released Yuna's Geisterhaus from August 19, 2019 to November 18, 2019 in Germany on DVD and Blu-ray Disc. The first volume was also released in a limited version with a slipcase.


The German language version was produced by the dubbing company Hamburger Synchron GmbH . The synchronous direction took over Stefan Brönneke.

role Japanese speaker ( seiyū ) German speakers
Kogarashi Fuyuzora Yūki Ono Flemming stone
Yūna Yunohana Miyuri Shimabukuro Franziska Trunte
Sagiri Ameno Rie Takahashi Jannika Jira
Chisaki Miyazaki Eri Suzuki Maria Wardzinska
Chitose Nakai Sayaka Harada Sarah Madeleine Tusk
Nonko Arahabaki Ai Kakuma Dorothee Fall
Yaya Fushiguro Yui Ogura Linda Foelster
Koyuzu Shigaraki Anzu Haruno Florentine stone
Oboro Shinto Mikako Komatsu Simona Pahl
Narrator Yoko Hikasa Anika Bollmann


The series music was composed by Kikuya Tomoki . The opening title Momoiro Typhoon ( 桃色 タ イ フ ー ン , Momoiro Taifūn ) is sung by Luna Haruna , the closing title Happen - Kogarashi ni Fukarete ( Happen〜 木 枯 ら し に 吹 か れ て 〜 ) by Miyuri Shimabukuro and Rie Suashi in their respective roles, Eriahashi.


The series sparked controversy in Japan with its sexualized portrayal of female characters in a magazine aimed at boys ( shons ) . In particular, issue 31 of the Shōnen Jump in which the survey results on the most popular characters in the series were listed and the female characters were shown almost naked and with embarrassing-frustrated facial expressions. The lawyer Keiko Ōta called for a boycott of the magazine and the professor of gender studies Kazue Muta said that children learn from an early age that it is normal to objectify women sexually, to ignore their protests and then to have sexual intercourse.

In contrast, the lawyer Yamato Satō expressed concern that this could lead to censorship. The artist Megumi Igarashi said that the desire of parents to keep their children away from erotic books and magazines in order to preserve their innocence is more an expression of the parents' ego and better sex education would help more. The manga artist Tatsuya Egawa considered a ban to be "idiotic," as the Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san was far tamer than Gō Nagais Harenchi Gakuen , which appeared in 1968 in the same magazine. He emphasized that instead of prohibitions it was more important that children learn to think independently.

The lawyer Yoshitaka Miura emphasized that the series only tried the motif of a lucky sukebe ( ラ ッ キ ー ス ケ ベrakkī sukebe , German 'happy indecent' ), a mostly male figure who accidentally accidentally had a female figure on his chest, which is more common in Shōnen's works touch or see in their underwear. Such an incident hardly represents sexual harassment or even sexual violence, especially since in the present case one of the female characters was responsible for the nakedness of the other.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs Manga Gets Anime. In: Anime News Network. November 12, 2017, accessed February 26, 2018 .
  2. Seven Seas Launches New Ghost Ship Imprint to Deliver Mature Manga Through Diamond Book Distributors, Including New Titles YUUNA AND THE HAUNTED HOT SPRINGS and WORLD'S END HAREM. Seven Seas Entertainment, October 11, 2017, accessed February 26, 2018 .
  3. Yuna's haunted house. In: Kazé. Retrieved February 26, 2018 .
  4. a b Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs Anime Reveals Cast, Staff, 1st Promo Video, Summer 2018 Premiere. In: Anime News Network. December 16, 2017, accessed February 26, 2018 .
  5. a b c Jennifer Sherman: Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san Stirs Controversy Over 'Sexual Depictions' in Shonen Jump. In: Anime News Network. July 12, 2017, accessed February 26, 2018 .