Zbigniew Kruszyński (Author)

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Zbigniew Kruszyński

Zbigniew Kruszyński , with the pseudonym Jan Rost, Jerzy Kempiński, zet, or ZK (born August 29, 1957 in Radom ) is a Polish writer and translator .


Kruszyński attended high school in Radom, where he graduated from high school in 1976. He then studied Polish and Romance languages at the University of Wroclaw . From 1980 to 1981 he studied at the University of Lausanne under the Mickiewicz Scholarship . In 1981 he was hired as an assistant at the University of Wroclaw. After martial law was declared in Poland , he became involved in Solidarność , which is why he was sentenced to three and a half years in prison in 1982. In 1983 he received an interruption of his sentence and emigrated with his family to Sweden , where he first lived in Uppsala and worked as a French teacher. He then moved to Lund and worked at Stockholm University . In addition, he occasionally lectured in Polish studies at the University of Copenhagen . In 1987 he made his debut as a prose writer with the short story Fragment powierzchni , which was published in the magazine Zeszyty Literackie . In 1988 he published translations from French that were distributed outside of the censorship . In 1995 he published his first novel, Swedish Herbs . In 2000 he returned to Poland and headed the translation workshop for Swedish literature at Södertörn University . He also lectured on the Literacko-Artystyczne course at the Jagiellonian University . He has been a member of the jury for the Gydnia Literature Prize since 2009 and the Witold Gombrowicz Literature Prize since 2016 .

He lives in Laski in Kotlina Kłodzka .


  • Swedish Herbs , 1995
  • Szkice historyczne , 1996
  • Na lądach i morzach. Opisy i powiadania , 1999
    • On land and at sea. Stories , translated by Esther Kinsky , Munich 2005
  • Powrót Aleksandra , 2006
  • Ostatni raport , 2009
  • Curator , 2014


Awards and nominations (selection)

Web links

  • Barbara Marzęcka: Zbigniew Kruszyński. In: Polscy pisarze i badacze literatury przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Retrieved September 15, 2018 (Polish).
  • Ewa Nawój: Zbigniew Kruszyński. In: culture.pl . December 2010, accessed September 15, 2018 (Polish, last updated October 2016).