Zdenko Runjić

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Zdenko Runjić (born October 26, 1942 in Slavonski Brod , † October 27, 2004 in Split ) was a Yugoslav or Croatian composer and musician.


From 1945 Runjić lived in Split, where he attended elementary school and a secondary school in the field of technology.

In 1967 he graduated in electronics from the University of Split . Although he had no musical training whatsoever, he was musical director of Radio Split from 1960 to 1976 and from 1979 to 1992.

From 1970 to 1974 he held the post of director of the publishing house MEI-INTERFEST.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s he was the artistic director (director) of the Split Festival.

Music career

Runjić wrote around 700 songs during his lifetime. Oliver Dragojević sang most of his songs (around 200) . The collaboration between Runjić, Tereza Kesovija and Dragojević brought Runjič 23 first places at the Split Festival.

In addition to Oliver Dragojević, Zdenko Runjić has also written songs for other greats on the Croatian music scene such as Mišo Kovač , Josipa Lisac , Ibrica Jusić , Goran Karan , Meri Cetinić , " Novi fosili ", " Magazin ", Doris Dragović and many others.

The song Galeb i ja (The Seagull and I) is considered to be one of the most beautiful Croatian songs ever and became the unofficial hymn of the city of Split and all of Dalmatia .

His success didn't just bring him friends. In 1993, due to a dispute with the Split Festival, he founded his own festival under the name Melodije Hrvatskog Jadrana (Melodies of the Croatian Adriatic) . Zdenko Runjić was also a successful entrepreneur, his publishing house Skalinada quickly gained a lot of attention in the Croatian music scene.

In 1998 he was awarded the Croatian Porin Music Prize for his life's work.

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